Smoking tobacco from a waterpipe, also known as a hookah, accounted for over half of the tobacco smoke volume consumed
Hookah responsible for over half of tobacco smoke inhaled by young smokers
Smoking tobacco from a waterpipe, also known as a hookah, accounted for over half of the tobacco smoke volume consumed
Rogue religious leaders and health practitioners who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could end up being prosecuted as the Andrews
For women, mammograms are a sometimes uncomfortable, but necessary, annual ritual. But this procedure doesn’t always provide accurate results, and
If the blood of a pregnant woman is rhesus-negative (Rh-negative) and the blood of the foetus is rhesus-positive (Rh-positive), the
MILAN — Accademia del Profumo — the Italian association of cosmetics companies promoting the history of perfume, culture and art —
Britain’s biggest worries revealed: Not getting enough sleep, being out when a parcel is delivered and wearing the wrong outfit
“Civilisation begins with distillation,” said William Faulkner, a writer and drinker. Although our thirst for alcohol dates back to the
For veterans undergoing surgery in the VA healthcare system, homelessness is an important risk factor for unplanned hospital readmission, reports
As the U.S. healthcare system continues to grapple with interoperability challenges, working from all angles to address them, it can
Love really DOES hurt: Spats with your spouse can make chronic pain conditions even more painful, study finds Participants with