Evening Sport really to insomnia?
Always it is recommended, before going to bed not too much effort, and being able to exercise because you sleep this bad. However, only a few weeks ago, a study was published which came to the result that in the evening sports reduces the quality of sleep. But what is true now? We look to the current Study.
Serious health problems
Sleep disorders can not only have fatigue and concentration problems, but also serious health problems. Doctors have already found that sleep disturbances increase the risk for Diabetes, cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension and stroke, mental illnesses such as depression and lead to a weakening of the immune system. Nevertheless, it is not recommended in General, in the case of bad sleep on drugs. It is recommended, instead a healthy way of life with relaxation exercises, and the omission of coffee, nicotine, alcohol, and intense sports in the evening. Has a in the evening Training, but actually negative?

Regular exercise promotes sleep
“Regularly exercised Sport promotes sleep. However, the positive effect of the sport to the General personal Fitness, and the days depends on the time that it was exercised,“ writes the German society for sleep research and sleep medicine (DGSM) in a patient guide to „And Durchschlafstörungen“.
Sporting activities can disturb “the sleep, if the interval to the sleep time is too short and the activity is unusually burdensome,” it says.
However, to show the Thesis that Sport could have a moment before bed sleep, new studies are painting a contradictory picture.
No negative influence
Researchers from the Institute for movement Sciences and Sport, ETH Zurich analyzed for a in the journal “Sports Medicine” published a Meta-analysis a total of 23 studies on the subject.
They came to the conclusion that sports is not influenced within four hours prior to bedtime sleep is always negative.
“If Sport in the evening at all an effect on the quality of sleep, then even more of a positive, if only a weak positive,” explains Christina Spengler, head of the laboratory for Human and sports physiology, said in a statement.
Results are based on very intensive training
The scientists explain that the only in the analysis found the Form of evening sports, which may influence the sleep negatively, are going to very intense exercise within an hour before bedtime.
An example for an intensive Training that would be of high-performance sport, applied interval training session frequently. A longer duration run, or a longer ride on the road bike is expected to mostly fall under moderate exercise.
The analysis showed that the attempt needed of the participants after an intense workout shortly before bedtime longer until they fell asleep.
The study also provided an indication of why this is so: The subjects have not recovered in the hour before bedtime is sufficient; your heart rate was still elevated by more than 20 beats.
Not all people react the same
“Due to the data situation, there is nothing to move in the evening moderately,” Jan Stutz, PhD student in Spengler’s group and first author of the analysis.
In none of the studies examined moderate exercise sleep problems caused. Even if the Training ended just 30 minutes before sleep.
“Very intensive training or competitions, you should recognise, however, prefer a bit earlier if this is possible,” says the ETH-Zurich doctoral student.
The authors of the study stress that you have looked at in the analysis of average values, which are just General statements allow.
“Not every person reacts the same way to sports and, of course, everyone should continue to listen to his body. Who realizes that he or she has directly after the Sport difficulty in falling Asleep, to schedule the Training after possibility a little earlier,“ says Stutz.
“The fact that Sport improves on the day, the quality of sleep is generally known,” says Spengler. “We have now shown that Sport has a in the evening, at least, a disadvantage.”
Low number of study participants
In a message to the news Agency dpa, it is pointed out that the Swiss Meta-analysis statement is in comparison to previous studies is actually quite strong, but also has limitations.
The investigation included 23 studies – but only 275 people, so an average of twelve participants in the study.
With a low number of test Subjects increases the risk that the results of the samples in the other stitch differently. In fact, the results changed in some cases, when individual studies from the analysis were that excepted.
No comparison with Non-athletes
Also in the Evening not the Morning or the Afternoon athletes compared – but with Non-athletes.
In the Agency message is, however, mentioned a study overview from the year 2015, the American psychologists, sports different times of the Day to have.
At the time, it could be shown that people who had less than driven for three hours before going to bed Sport, woke up less often in the afternoon or early evening (between three and eight hours of bedtime) trained.
However, the time of day had an impact not on other factors, such as how long it takes for to fall Asleep. In addition, the positive results were considered only for occasional sports (less than once a week).
“There were not enough studies about regular exercise, which have to consider the time of day,” said the scientists.
So far, only little research
In the evening sports, and people already suffering from sleep disorders, there is also only little research.
Recently, researchers from Australia examined the impact of morning sport, especially in obese men with sleep disorders, and no evidence of worse sleep after sports in the evening than in the Morning or afternoon found.
A new study from the US suggests that exercise can clearly affect the circadian rhythm and similar to the light act as a timer.
It is unclear yet how the evening of sport to interfere with sleep at all. Factors at play such as higher body temperature, muscle soreness, heart stroke, or night-time Hunger? Previous studies are not clear.
In the German guidelines for the treatment of sleep disorders, according to dpa no statement to movement as a therapy method. The data is too thin. (ad)