Without jumps: 15-minute Full-Body Workout with dumbbells by MadFit

To train In the own four walls has several advantages. One has its peace, and not have to leave in bad weather, the house, and is without the way to the Gym – especially time extremely flexible.

And in fact, Workouts can also be used off of a gym very effective – you just have to know how.

15 Minutes Of Full-Body Power

The Inspiration for the Session at home Fitness Influencerin Maddie Lymburner provides. The sports fan has uploaded a new Video, with you are sure to get the most from your Home Workout can get.

This crisp power unit not only your muscles tremble, but also the neighborhood is also friendly – it contains no jumps.

All you need is a yoga Mat or a corresponding document as well as dumbbells to adjust the weight of your current level of Training.

HOWTO: Each of the six Exercise is performed for 45 seconds, then 15 seconds of rest to follow. Do two rounds.

1. Modified Burpees

The first Exercise of the workout appeals to pretty much every Muscle group in your body and is therefore the perfect Warm-Up. Let’s go with the Burpees.

Start in the upright position, in each Hand a dumbbell. Lifting the Weights over your head up. Cutting them back and placing the Weights in front of your feet.

Way to put your feet to the rear, so that you are in the upright pushup are position. Come back with the feet forward again and return to the starting position you raise your body.

2. Side-To-Side Lunges

For this Exercise, you can put the dumbbells aside and grab a slightly lighter weight. On you first very legs wide apart, toes pointing forward.

Step in the lateral failure by you bend your right leg and the left can continue to be stretched, the dumbbell lets you with the left Hand just in front of your body hang.

To judge you by your right leg back, arch. Lifting at the same time the barbell with straight arms to the left off to the side.

Eighth, during the execution of it, to keep the torso as upright as possible and push with the heels upwards. When the 45 seconds are over, the other side of the row.

3. Sit-Ups

Moving on, now the body is in mid-turn! Sit on the floor, the feet stay on the heels drawn up. Hold a barbell with your hands in front of your torso and lean to the rear.

Important: lift up your torso throughout something. Your shoulder blades should not touch the ground – this makes your abdominal muscles are constantly under tension.

Sit up using your abdominal muscles in a sitting Position. Tip: Inhale when coming out. This facilitates the Tightening of the muscles.

4. Squat-Curl-Combination

In the next Exercise, it is an effective combination of Squats and bicep Curls. For that you need a second dumbbell.

Start in the upright position, feet slightly more than hip width apart positioned. Let the dumbbells with outstretched arms in front of your body hang. Perform a knee flexion.

Hit you with the heels back to the starting position, and directly a Curl you lift the Weights with the power of your upper arms towards your shoulders.

5. Rowing-Deadlift-Combination

In the penultimate Exercise is also challenging compound movements, especially to your rear legs and the back, some of it will require.

Winkle first legs slightly and tilt your torso forward, the dumbbells hang with arms outstretched downwards.

Perform a rowing motion, you lift your elbows to the rear, pull the Weights to your chest. The voltage you should be especially in the upper back feel.

Stretch the arms again and raise you with a Deadlift again. To turn of the power, especially with your rear leg muscles. The dumbbells are very close to the leg to the top.

Important: Keep your head permanently in the extension of the spine – this protects the intervertebral discs.

6. Curtsy Lunges

The last Exercise targets the again of your leg and buttock muscles. Especially the side games to get your fat away.

Position for the Lunges with your right foot diagonally behind the left, on which your weight rests.

Raise and lower your body by anwinkelst the front leg and back stretch. Focus on the force is really with the heel spend.

After you have pulled for a half a Minute long, and it is finally the other side of the row.

Cornelia Bertram

*The contribution “Without jumps: 15-minute Full-Body Workout with dumbbells of MadFit” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.