Britain’s main doctors’ union has joined calls for the next planned lockdown easing in England to be delayed, as figures
Doctors urge delay in next lockdown easing in England
Britain’s main doctors’ union has joined calls for the next planned lockdown easing in England to be delayed, as figures
As the Act on Farmers’ and Fishers’ Occupational Injury and Disease Insurance and Prevention was finally passed in 2016 as
An article published in International Journal of Hyperthermia proposes a more effective protocol for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias when
Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere, have used gene therapy to prevent learning
Dr. Paul Alexander explains why he believes kids should not get the coronavirus vaccine on Dr. Anthony Fauci, the county’s
Black and Latino neighborhoods in the 30 most populous U.S. cities had fewer pharmacies than white or diverse neighborhoods in
COVID-19 infections fell significantly—by 65% percent—after a first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in this large community surveillance
A team from Regenstrief Institute leveraged OpenMRS, a global open-source electronic medical record (EMR), to create an emergency EMR for
Researchers within the Biomedicine Discovery Institute at Monash University have made a breakthrough in understanding the role played by high-risk
A US Army soldier broke the world record for fastest woman to run a mile in a bomb suit in