Genetic variants have been linked with a higher risk of having a heart attack, permitting the calculation of “polygenic risk
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When astrocytes attack: Stem cell model shows possible mechanism behind neurodegeneration
A new study published today in Neuron led by The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute’s Valentina Fossati,
Brain emotional activity linked to blood vessel inflammation in recent heart attack patients
People with recent heart attacks have significantly higher activity in the amygdala, the brain area involved in stress perception and
Sleeping too little or too much raises heart attack risks, study finds
Too little sleep may raise heart attack risks – but more than 10 hours a night may DOUBLE the danger,
Thousands of patients not receiving GP follow-up after asthma attack
Thousands of asthmatics are missing out on ‘vital’ follow-up appointments after asthma attacks One in four asthmatics has had emergency
Georgia boy, 4, treated for rabies after mom shoots raccoon dead in porch attack
Chandler Mahaffey’s mom said she heard her son screaming on the porch and found him being held by the rabid
Common painkiller could increase heart attack risk by 50%, study finds
Common painkiller could increase risk of stroke and heart attack by 50%, study finds Common painkiller could increase the risk
New Lab Test Spots Heart Attack, Risk of Future Heart Woes
TUESDAY, Aug. 21, 2018 — A new method of diagnosing heart attack patients in the emergency department is more accurate
Mother looked like an ‘acid attack victim’ after ditching steroids
Mother-of-two looked like an ‘acid attack victim’ after ditching steroids Mother-of-two, 44, who looked like an ‘acid attack victim’ after
Research Says This Is The Most Common Panic Attack Trigger
A study of 1,000 panic attack sufferers in the UK has found that crowded rooms are the number one trigger.