The 7 best anterior pelvic tilt exercises

This occurs due to a muscle imbalance in the lower half of the body. A combination of weak and tight muscles pulls the pelvis forward.

Tight, overactive muscles that may contribute to anterior pelvic tilt include:

  • quadriceps group, or the front thigh muscles
  • hip flexors, which are the small muscles in the front groin area

Weak, underactive muscles that can cause this condition include:

  • gluteus group, which are the buttocks muscles
  • hamstring group, the muscles at the back of the thigh
  • rectus abdominis, known as the lower abdominals

Anterior pelvic tilt is often visible in a person as it gives the lower back an exaggerated arch and makes the buttocks stick out.

In this article, we provide seven anterior pelvic tilt exercises that may help to correct this condition.

Exercises to correct anterior pelvic tilt

The following exercises may help fix an anterior pelvic tilt:

Posterior pelvic tilt

It is vital to learn how to tilt the pelvis in the other direction. To do this, a person can follow these steps:

  • Lie on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Squeeze the buttocks and tilt the pelvis upward.
  • The back should feel as though it is flattening to the ground. The abdominal muscles can help push the back down.
  • Return to normal pelvis position.
  • Repeat 10–12 times.

Practicing this move while standing up is also useful for activating the muscles in the buttocks and improving pelvic mobility.

Kneeling quadriceps stretch

In a person with anterior pelvic tilt, the muscles in the quadriceps group are overactive and tight. Trying to lengthen these muscles will prevent them from pulling on the pelvis. Performing this stretch will also lengthen the hip flexors.

To do a kneeling quadriceps stretch, a person should:

  • Kneel on the ground.
  • Bring the left leg forward, bending the knee and planting the left foot on the floor.
  • The front thigh should be parallel to the floor and at 90 degrees to the shin.
  • Squeeze the buttocks muscles and push the pelvis forward.
  • Hold for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side.

To target the hip flexors more, lean further into the stretch. It is essential to try to tuck in the pelvis.

A person will mainly feel this stretch in the quadriceps muscles and the hip flexors.

Standing quadriceps stretch

This is another quadriceps stretch that will also target the hip flexors. To perform this stretch, a person should:

  • Stand up straight, bend the left knee, and hold the foot or ankle from behind.
  • Pull the ankle toward the buttocks as far as possible without causing discomfort.
  • Squeeze the buttocks and abdominals, tucking in the pelvis.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Thinking about pushing the knee toward the floor can help a person feel the stretch more intensely.


This exercise strengthens the gluteus group. It is essential to focus on squeezing the buttocks when standing.

  • Standing straight with feet hip-width apart, point the toes forward.
  • Lower the body into a sitting position, pushing the buttocks backward and keeping the torso tall.
  • Aim for the thighs to be parallel to the floor.
  • Squeezing the buttocks, push up to a standing position with the pelvis slightly tucked.
  • Repeat 12–15 times.


This exercise will improve core strength. The abdominals must remain tight and squeezed in toward the spine. Clenching the buttocks will also help stabilize the body.

  • Start on all fours then extend the legs straight back, using the toes to support their weight.
  • Rest the remaining body weight on the elbows and forearms. The body should now be in one long line.
  • The hips should not be higher or lower than the shoulders.
  • To hold the plank correctly, squeeze the buttocks and the abdominals. Tucking the pelvis slightly may help engage the abdominals.
  • Hold for 30–60 seconds.


This exercise will improve gluteus and abdominal strength while disengaging the hip flexors.

To do a bridge, a person should:

  • Lie on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Squeeze the buttocks and tuck the pelvis toward the ceiling.
  • Roll upward until the back is off the ground. The shoulders should now be supporting the body weight.
  • Hold for 5 seconds while focusing on squeezing the buttocks.
  • Roll back down slowly, concentrating on letting each vertebra touch the floor in turn until the back is flat on the floor again.
  • Repeat 12–15 times. Build up to 3 sets.

Abdominal curl

Abdominal curls or crunches work the rectus abdominis. The movement does not need to be significant, but it is crucial to activate the muscles in the correct position.

An abdominal curl involves the following series of movements:

  • Lie on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Put the hands behind the head, keeping the elbows wide.
  • Slide the ribs toward the pelvis while concentrating on squeezing the abdominal muscles.
  • The shoulders and head will lift naturally with this movement.
  • Let the eyes focus on the knees to keep the head in a safe position.
  • Lower back down to the start position.
  • Repeat 12–15 times. Build up to 3 sets.

Other tips

Other ways that a person can help correct an anterior pelvic tilt include:

  • using a standing desk at work
  • getting up often and stretching if sitting for extended periods
  • avoiding wearing high heels
  • visiting a podiatrist for foot exercises or insoles

Tests for anterior pelvic tilt

It is essential to test for an anterior pelvic tilt before starting corrective exercises. The Thomas Test is a simple method that people can use.

To do the Thomas Test, a person should:

  • Lie on a table with the legs bent at the knees and the lower legs hanging down over the edge.
  • Bend one leg and hug it toward the chest.
  • If the resting thigh lifts off the table, the individual may have an anterior pelvic tilt.

How do people develop anterior pelvic tilt?

Some people’s muscles become tight as a result of certain lifestyle habits or muscular dysfunction.

Factors that can increase the risk of developing an anterior pelvic tilt include:

  • sitting for extended periods
  • cycling
  • wearing high heels
  • flat feet


Anterior pelvic tilt increases pressure on the lower back bones. This pressure can cause muscle fatigue and other issues, such as:

  • tension in the neck muscles
  • lower back pain
  • inward rotation of the hip and knee
  • hip and knee pain
  • pressure on hip flexors causing sciatica

People who experience neck and lower back pain alongside an anterior pelvic tilt should visit a physiotherapist or occupational therapist for a full treatment plan.

Even if this condition is not causing any pain, it is vital to work on lengthening tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles to correct the poor posture.


An anterior pelvic tilt can affect the whole body, causing pain or discomfort in other areas.

It is essential for people to establish whether or not they have this condition before doing the anterior pelvic tilt exercises. Once they confirm that they have a pelvic tilt, performing the specific exercises may help reduce symptoms.

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