Coronavirus is not the only threat this winter – professor warns of incoming ‘twindemic’

Dr Hilary details rise in respiratory syncytial virus across UK

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Preparations have been taken to negate the threat of coronavirus this winter by offering millions of people a booster shot of a coronavirus vaccine. However, measures must be taken to protect the NHS against another threat: the “twindemic”. Speaking to the BBC, Professor Linda Bauld, a public health expert from the University of Edinburgh, explained what it is.

According to prof Bauld, the enforced social distancing measures throughout the pandemic have meant people have not been exposed to viruses that circulate every winter.

This could cause an explosion this winter that poses a ‘serious’ threat to the NHS, she warned.

“We did not see influenza or RSV in the numbers”, prof Bauld explained, referring to the constant monitoring of the coronavirus.

But now the wholesale lifting of social restrictions has causes these multiple viruses to surge, she warned.

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