After an ice-cream ate: nine-year-old dies during a family holiday in Spain

A nine-year-old girl from the UK has died on holiday. After you had eaten an ice cream, she was taken to the hospital. The Doctors could not save her.

The British family had only arrived a few hours ago in your Resort close to the Spanish holiday resort of Fuengirola, as they drove into a shopping center and ice cream ate, reported the UK "Mirror". With fatal consequences, because now the nine-year-old daughter of the family of five is dead. She probably died due to an allergic reaction, such as the local newspaper “Sur” reported.

On the way home it was gone, the pupil suddenly worse. Later, she was admitted then to the hospital, where she died on Monday. Only local media had reported that the girl had eaten the ice cream in the Hotel. However, CLC World Resorts & Hotels, the operator of the Hotels, deny this in a statement to the Portal “rice reporter”.

Parents are now organizing repatriation of the body

Accordingly, the nine-year-old had eaten the ice cream in the shopping centre. “Despite all the efforts of Doctors, CLC World employees and the emergency services, the girl died of a severe allergic reaction,” says the hotel chain.

Presumably, the young Briton against milk and nuts to be allergic to it, reported: “Sur”. The Allergy caused the anaphylactic shock, and two days after the Eisverzehr to the heart.

The parents should still be in the Hotel, to the return transportation of their daughter to Britain to prepare. The district court in Málaga, has launched a judicial investigation into the incident.