Vegan yogurt do-it-yourself

Table of contents

  • Vegan yogurt – homemade
  • Which lactic acid bacteria are included in yogurt?
  • What is the vegan yogurt?
  • What ingredients are included in the purchased vegan yogurt?
    • Almond and coconut yogurt
    • Soy yogurt
    • Lupin yogurt
    • Vegan Fruit Yogurt

    Vegan yogurt – homemade

    Yogurt is bought a lot, but it is also one of those foods that is already being done for a very long time by many people. Yogurt is considered a very healthy food (but only plain yogurt, not the sugar-rich fruit variants). Therefore, with regret, the official position is often that still, unfortunately, not everyone daily a yogurt to eat. This may be regrets, however, particularly from the dairy industry.

    Because in the meantime, they strongly suspect that it is not the milk in the yogurt is, for the possible health benefits of the product, but the contained lactic acid bacteria.

    Which lactic acid bacteria are included in yogurt?

    This is the tart Original yogurt by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, in the modern mild yoghurt Lactobacillus acidophilus or Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium bifidum.

    So you could simply use a suitable raw material, with the corresponding bacterial strains to inoculate, ferment, and the result of enjoy. Take this herbal Milk, then the result is vegan, it looks like yogurt and recalls the taste, then it’s called a vegan yogurt.

    What is the vegan yogurt?

    Since today you can buy almost everything, there are vegan yogurt variations, of course, long been in the trade. The first vegan yogurt, soy yogurt, coconut yogurt, almond yogurt and Lupin yogurt.

    What ingredients are included in the purchased vegan yogurt?

    A glance at the list of ingredients shows completely Different.

    Almond and coconut yogurt

    At the Alnatura organic products, almond and coconut ingredients, besides the main, only a thickening agent (tapioca starch) and a Stabilizer (locust bean gum), which is due to the fact that vegan yoghurts are just so solid, like a yoghurt from milk, and therefore with the corresponding (harmless) ingredients help can.

    Soy yogurt

    The organic soy yogurt nature of Provamel is the organic brand by the Belgian company Alpro is used as a Stabilizer pectin, and corn starch and an acid regulatur, namely the controversial citric acid.

    In the conventional natural-soy yogurt-variant of Alpro far more accessories are apparently required to be able to provide the consumer with a tasty end product present. The ingredients list looks so in the Original:

    “Water, peeled soy beans (7,9 %), sugar, tricalcium citrate, Stabilizer (pectin), acidity regulators (sodium citrate, citric acid), flavouring, sea salt, antioxidant agent (tocopherol-rich extracts, ascorbyl palmitate), yogurt cultures (Str. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus), vitamins (B12, D2).“

    Lupin yogurt

    Also a vegan yogurt from lupine is now on the market. Its list of ingredients sounds but not necessarily inviting: “water, coconut oil, Maltodextrin, invert sugar syrup, modified starch, Lupin proteins (1,8 % ), sugar, flavour, Stabilizer: pectin.”

    Vegan Fruit Yogurt

    Is added to the products, a fruit preparation, the more you need to the sugar and often flavors. In the case of organic products, it is sugar cane, in the case of conventional yogurts conventional household sugar plus Glucose-Fructose syrup. Just the flavors, however, the product for a lot of people almost inedible because they taste strongly of artificially – regardless of whether it was a Bio-yoghurt or not.

    How to make vegan yogurt yourself?

    In view of the above-mentioned ingredients, it is the “normal” yogurt from milk at the vegan yogurt makes more sense to make this.

    In our PSL cooking Studio, we have experimented in the last few weeks, with different raw materials and found the almond yogurt is the best. Therefore, we would like to present to you the appropriate recipe for today.

    The preparation time is 10 to 15 minutes is relatively short, so that the yogurt preparation – means as soon as you get the ingredients – no big effort. However, it is important to work in a very hygienic, because of the yogurt, otherwise it could get moldy if quickly. Boil the jars in the yogurt to ferment, the best thoroughly.

    How to make vegan almond yogurt yourself?

    You need for about 350 g of yogurt the following ingredients:

    • 800 ml of filtered water (alternatively, carbonated water from a glass bottle)
    • 200 g almonds, unpeeled – soak overnight
    • 1 packet (25 g) vegan organic yogurt ferment
    • 1 nut milk bag (or, alternatively, 1 passier cloth)
    • 2 jars of 500 ml

    Discard the soaking water, the almonds, and rinse the almonds again through a sieve. Then you mix them for some minutes together with 800 ml of water in a high-performance mixer.

    Place the cloth or nut milk bag in a strainer and place in a bowl. Pour the almond milk into the cloth and squeeze out all the liquid vigorously. The leftover pulp can be used for baking or for cereal.

    Stir the yoghurt ferment in the milk until all the powder is dissolved. Then you fill cooked the milk into the dry glasses. Leave the top edge at least 2 cm.

    Seal the jars and set them in a warm place. Depending on the temperature (e.g. in the kitchen or on the heater) can be used to vary the fermentation time (12 to 24 hours). Let the yogurt stand until the whey (watery liquid) has settled to the bottom and the top of a solid mass swims.

    Now hold on to the solid mass gently with a spoon and pour the whey. You can give the solid mass into a bowl and with a whisk stir to a creamy yogurt. These fill back in one of the jars and set it in a cool place. Within a few hours he is something solid and can be eaten.

    How can be served to the vegan yogurt?

    The vegan yogurt can be flavored as needed with fruits, Yaconsirup, vanilla powder, cardamom, nuts, etc., depending on the use purpose.

    Of course, you can also use the whey further and, for example, with fruit mix, resulting in a delicious, healthy and probiotic whey Drink.

    We wish you a lot of joy to Prepare and a good appetite!

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