Raclette: What kind of cheese-varieties particularly suitable

Raclette is one of many of the feast days. A small pans, potatoes and fine cheese. But which varieties are best for the Raclette enjoyment? Here you will find suggestions and ideas for every taste.

Raclette is a Swiss cultural property. Finally, the classic raclette cheese comes from the Canton of Valais. Very aromatic, perfectly melting. Especially the cheese rind among the Swiss people as a delicacy, because it is particularly strong in the taste.

To read as the tip is cut off: The bark and at the top of the pans and properly crisping bake. The raclette cheese from Switzerland, the bark can be eaten always. In the case of products from France and Germany, you should make sure that the cheese diseases with Natamycin, a remedy against fungus, or preservatives have been added.

But even if it is Tradition – many of raclette cheese may be too strong or to own.

What is the cheese for the Raclette?

And the Swiss cheese is already a long time the only alternative. All good melting cheeses can into the pans. Therefore, you should try out what tastes best.

The following applies:

  • The older the cheese is, the stronger its taste.
  • You’ll also need varieties with a certain fat content, because only then will the cheese melt in the pans. The raclette cheese has a minimum of 50 percent fat in dry mass, Gouda and Tilsiter, 45.
  • Per Person, the host should calculate with 200 grams of cheese.
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He who heeds this, you can try out during the raclette with a lot of enjoyment through the cheese:

Less spicy, milder cheese

  • Gouda, young or middle-aged woman
  • Butter cheese
  • Cheddar
  • Edam
  • Camembert
  • Mozzarella made from cow’s milk

A little more flavorful cheeses

  • Tilsiter
  • Mountain cheese such as Emmental or Appenzeller
  • Buffalo Mozzarella is more intense in flavor than the version made from cow’s milk

Cheeses for those who love a strong taste

  • Gorgonzola, a blue cheese
  • Sheep’s milk cheese such as a young or middle ages, Pecorino
  • Goat cheese

The choice is made, then the pans can be loaded. Classic potatoes, but also mushrooms, Salami, ham, or thinly sliced meat can be baked with cheese. Good Appetite!


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