80 percent of the children move too little

Lack of exercise is, according to the world health organization, the epidemic of the 21st century. Century, at least in developed countries. In Germany, 80 percent of the children are moving to little, shows a current long-term analysis. Accordingly, the 6 spend – to 17-Year-olds per day, on average, less than 50 minutes with moderate-to-strenuous movement. Healthy at least 60 minutes according to the WHO.

The so-called “motor-Modul” (MoMo) analyses for twelve years, the movement habits of children in Germany. The representative study evaluates all three years, motor skills data from 4500 to 6200 children, adolescents, and young adults. Both the data of the same individuals are observed over a long period of time, as well as age groups compared with each other. In the project, scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of technology, Pedagogical University of Karlsruhe and the Robert Koch-Institut were working together.

Sports clubs and schools can not compensate for a lack of

The analysis shows: In the everyday life of children and young people move less and less. Accordingly, the physical activity in the 4 – to 17-Year-olds declined in the past twelve years, to 37 percent and by 31 minutes per week.

And, although there are so many children like never in sports clubs are active. About 80 percent of the children examined were already a member in a sports club. In addition, schools organize more sports activities. In the past twelve years, as well as sporting activities in schools and Clubs have increased by an average of 16 percent, which is equivalent to 25 minutes more exercise per week.

However, the organised Sport could not compensate for the lack of movement in everyday life, says sports scientist Alexander Woll, of the charge of the study.

This was not, however, due to the dramatic increase in media consumption: it is Amazing that I have not shown that physical activity and media use are directly related to each other. Say: children who play less, surfing or on social media, were not necessarily more, so wool.

Media consumption is not harmless. According to the study, more than 70 percent of Six – to ten-year olds spend more than an hour per day in front of the screen. “It will be interesting to see, for example, how high is the seat time with the children with high Screen time,” says wool. “Because I could imagine very well that media consumption is an independent risk factor for many civilization diseases.”

Girl inactive than boys

Children were playing today, much less in the Free than in the past, calls wool a reason for the lack of movement in everyday life. They met on the sports field to Fight, run, or play ball. The older you are, the less young people moving. In addition, children and young people would need to travel by car to school or to leisure activities.

Striking is that the difference between the sexes had become, in the last six years. Girls, and especially girls from families with a low social Status, and sections on exercise, significantly worse than boys.

Further study results at a Glance:

  • The motor skills of today’s children are about ten percent worse compared to their peers 40 years ago.
  • Obese children move less than Normal or under-weight.
  • First long-term analyses show that overweight children in 70 percent of overweight adults.
  • In the past few years had indicated an improvement in motor skills, this has not continued in the current investigation period between 2014 and 2018. Overall, the motor performance has not deteriorated, however, also significantly. You are stagnating on a low level, according to the researchers.

As of Thursday, experts want to discuss during the Congress the “children” move, and which measures could counteract the increasing lack of exercise. Because the inactivity can have health consequences. Already, previous studies had shown that too little exercise and an unhealthy diet lead children to significant obesity. Currently, an estimated 124 million children worldwide as extremely thick.