7 Keto Cupcake Recipes People Are Loving on Pinterest

Believe it or not, keto cupcakes are a thing. Yep, we’re serious. Despite the fact that the keto diet requires you eat high-fat and little to no carbs, clever foodies have found ways to create keto-friendly desserts—cupcakes included. Not only do these recipes stay within keto guidelines, but they'll also make your mouth water just from looking at them. We've rounded up seven of the most delicious keto cupcake recipes out there so you don't have to sacrifice sweets while in ketosis. 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake

Chocolate Raspberry Champagne

Planning a get-together with fellow keto dieters? This recipe for Chocolate Raspberry Champagne Cupcakes from Joy Filled Eats is perfect for any celebration, from holidays to birthday parties. 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake

Red Velvet

This indulgent Red Velvet Cupcake by Liv Breathe Keto is the ideal low-carb alternative for dieters looking for a cake-like treat. 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake


Turn your favorite green tea into a dessert with these delicious Matcha Keto Cupcakes by Mom Foodie. The recipe uses real matcha powder, which is filled with antioxidants and plenty of other healthy nutrients. What's not to love?

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake

Raspberry Lemonade

This recipe for Raspberry Lemonade Cupcakes by Joy Filled Eats is just what you need for your next warm weather gathering. Whip them up for a post-cookout treat, and you're sure to wow any keto (or non-keto) guest. 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake

Vanilla Buttercream

There's nothing wrong with being vanilla, and this cupcake is proof. This Vanilla Cupcake recipe by Green and Keto isn't just low-carb, it's also gluten-free—a treat even the most restricted eaters can indulge in. 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake

Black Bottom

Haven't heard of the Black Bottom Cupcake? Well, now you won't be able to forget it. This heavenly cupcake by Joy Filled Eats is a combination of cheesecake and chocolate cake, with chocolate chunks sprinkled throughout. Oh, and did we mention it's keto-friendly? 

keto ketogenic carbs carbohydrates diet food woman health protein fat dessert cupcake


Your favorite Girl Scout Cookie just got an upgrade. This Tagalong Cupcake by Joy Filled Eats is a cloud of peanut butter cake topped with chocolate ganache. Whip these up to satisfy your Girl Scout Cookie cravings during the off-season. 

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