Generally, Doctors advise in a depressive mood to a lot of physical movement. But specifically to the winter of can enhance Blues and co., because the brain releases in the Exercises of the neurotransmitter Gamma-amino butyric acid, which provides inner balance.
In addition, the release of stress hormones such as Cortisol and adrenaline will be reduced, which has a positive effect on mood. In addition, the regular practice of Yoga strengthens the immune system.
After about ten minutes, the feel-Good effect, the best thing is to take a day this time. In the Following you will find an exercise sequence, which sells at a regular exercise the winter Blues.
1. Exchange breathing
This energizing and purifying breathing exercise is to fend off. In the case of the exchange of breathing, you breathe in through one nostril, holds the breath, then breathes out in a ratio of 2:8:4 through the other nostril.
Upright sit down, for example, since cross-legged, and the right nostril with the thumb closing. To the left for four seconds inhalation. Now both nostrils closed holes (the one on the left with the Ring and index finger) and the breath for eight seconds and stop.
Then to the right for eight seconds, exhale, to the right again for four seconds inhalation, the breath in the middle for eight seconds, stop, and left again for eight seconds to exhale.
Five to ten rounds of repeating, the times of the later increase, always in the ratio 1:4:2 (for example, four seconds breathing in, 16 seconds hold your breath for eight seconds to exhale).
2. Shoulder bridge
The shoulder bridge is a gentle back bend, which has a relaxing effect on the mind. You hear the chest-opening Asanas and gives the heart space to allow free air flow and positive emotions. In addition, it counteracts Stress.
For the shoulder bridge you lay on your back with the feet hip width apart in front of the pool. The arms are to the side of the body. Inhale and at the same time the pelvis and the back up, so that between the knees and shoulders, an oblique plane is formed.
The knee should be positioned over the ankles. This Position for five breaths, long pause, before the back and the pelvis are slowly dropped again. This Exercise three Times in a row, repeat.
3. Shoulder stand
The shoulder stand is one of the classic reversals stop. These provide, generally, that the life energy flowing in the head, and the spirit is awakened.
At the shoulder, the pelvis and the legs above the level of the heart will be calmed, so the bodies are optimally supplied with blood and the entire metabolism and the nervous system. The Exercise gives energy and life force.
For the shoulder stand puts you on the back, the palms of the hands close to the body. Legs slowly to the top lift and with the leverage of the arms as well as abdominal and back muscles to lift the pelvis.
The palms of the hands at the height of the 12. Rib create, and the attitude of support. Now all the weight is shifted to the shoulders and the body is stretched in the height.
The back is as straight as possible. Calm and flowing inhalation, and as long as in this Position remain, as it is good for. Caution: In no case, the head in this Position, turn to the side!
4. Down-Looking Dog
Downward dog strengthens and stretches the entire body, in addition, the Position has a calming effect on the mind. The starting position is the Four point kneeling, the hands are placed under the shoulders and the hips over the knees.
Now the toes up, with the arms in the downward dog press. The basin is aiming to the top. The Position corresponds to an inverted V.
Shoulders away from the ears and try to touch your heels to the Mat. Position for five deep breaths time.
5. Swivel seat
Gentle Twists lead to an activation of the abdominal organs, as well as the stimulation of the digestive function. A disturbed intestinal flora can contribute to depressed mood.
So geht's: With legs outstretched on the floor, the back is straight. The right leg so that the right heel comes to the outside of the left Buttock to Lie. The angled left leg and lifting the foot side of the right knee stop.
Torso upright and slowly rotate it to the left. With the flexed Arm against the thigh and press the left Hand behind the buttocks to settle.
The head follows the rotation, if at all possible. Fünmal deeply and exhale and do the Exercise on the other side, repeat.
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*The Contribution Of The “Winter Blues?: These yoga exercises will banish a bad mood” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.