No time for breakfast? This nutritious smoothie takes seconds to make

Looking for a quick, no-cook breakfast? Try this nourishing smoothie from our Strong Bites series. 

You might think breakfast is a luxury only afforded to the time rich among us, what with slow scrambled eggs or stove-top cooked oats being the picture of a nutritious morning meal. But don’t be fooled – using the right ingredients, you can throw together something nutritious and filling to set you up for your day, without dedicating serious time to it. 

Enter: this mixed berry smoothie bowl. Using just four ingredients, plus whatever selection of toppings you desire, it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals, including immunity supporting vitamin C from the strawberries and vitamin K, found in blackberries, for strong bones. Plus, the banana gives a decent dose of energy while the hemp seeds a great source of protein for a well-balanced breakfast. 

This smoothie is the first installment in our new series, Strong Bites, featuring bite-sized healthy food recipes to help fuel your workout or for post-workout recovery.

Breakfast recipe: nutritious smoothie




For the smoothie:

1 Cup frozen mixed berries

1 Banana

½ Cup almond milk

2 Tablespoons of hemp seeds

To garnish:

Fresh strawberries

Fresh raspberries

Coconut flakes

Mixed seeds 


  1. Add all the smoothie ingredients into a blender and blitz until smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and garnish with the mixed seeds, coconut flakes and fresh berries.

Recipe courtesy of Nancy Odogwu at Fit Soul Kitchen. 

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