The Fitness Influencerin MadFit has set with its real-time Workouts, the goal is to inspire your Followers on Instagram and Youtube, more movement, and Fitness.
In your Videos you are presented with sophisticated Exercises that the Workout is not boring.
For this Training you only need ten minutes of time, a soft exercise Mat and something to drink – that’s It, no Equipment is required.
45 seconds is always performed an Exercise and then 15 seconds pause – are you ready?
Lower Abs Workout for beginners
When Training the lower abdominal muscles, care must be taken particularly much, therefore, the Fitness Influencerin in the Youtube Video for the Lower Abs explained-Workouts again, what matters.
The basic rules are:
- The abdomen is too tense at any time.
- The lower back is pressed firmly into the Mat.
- The movement is not running with power from the abdominal muscles, using momentum.
- And of course: don’t forget to Breathe.
A small preview on the Video
If an Exercise is too hard or too easy, just change the angle of your legs.
The closer the legs are on the ground, the more difficult it is to keep the lower back on the Mat and the tension in the belly.
Try me at times with the following five Exercises:
Sit down for this Exercise on the Mat, the upper body is erect, the legs bent (slightly more than 90 degrees) in the air. You can to the poor support.
Now the legs slowly open and they lead in the same movement, down to the floor. The heels touch only briefly and then go right back up and together.
If this Exercise is too strenuous, hold your thighs in the starting position, just closer to the body.
Reverse Crunch
It continues in the supine position. The arms you put next to the body sprawled on the Mat.
Winkle the legs slightly and you pull the power from the lower abdominal muscles up over the head.
The knee you bring this close to the face and the back lifts almost all the way up to the shoulders from the floor.
Then go back slowly to the starting position.
Crunch Kicks
For the next Exercise you’re going to be in the Crunch-Position: hands loosely behind the head, the legs bent in the air.
Bring the legs angle stretched out in a pointed to the ground and bring them directly back into the angled Position.
The knees you got to the body. Be careful not to tense up in the neck and the angle to the ground in the stretch only so big, how do you keep the tension even can.
L-Leg Pulse
For this, you are sitting on the lower arms propped up on the Mat. A leg is long, the other bent and the knee is extended, close to the body.
To lead with the outstretched leg, three small up-and-down movements. Then you put it and the other leg’s turn.
Plank Toe Touches
Get into the Plank Position. Push the hips up so your body assumes a V-shape.
Back attack now in addition to and alternately with one Hand at the diagonally opposite foot and then return to the Plank Position.
Five other abdominal exercises are in the Video
On your YouTube channel for the Workout of MadFit will find in a full-length. Here you not explained to you in detail, what you have to in the execution, but also shows you this and five other Core Exercises:
- Slow Mountain Climbers
- Wipers
- Crunch Leg Drop
- Candle
- Supported Jack Knives
In addition, there are a lot of other great real time Workout Videos to Join in. Why not try it out!
Kimberly Papenthin
*The post “For beginners: 10-minute Beginner Workout for the lower abs” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.