Effective training: do we Need Exercises for fat burning more than a Body?

Heather Milton, physiologist for exercise physiology at the Sports Performance Center at New York University Langone, is an expert on the precise impact that movement has on the body.

Against ‘Popsugar’ did Milton tell how effective the Training with the own body weight holds in the long run.

Before Exercises, it is specifically to burn fat and lose weight by Training with Bodyweight-explains the expert on the General question of how the body burns all the calories.

Calories are burned in different types

“Ultimately, we burn calories, by eliminating either carbohydrates, for example, in the Form of glycogen stored in our muscles, or in the Form of blood sugar in our bloodstream. A further possibility is that our liver begins, the carbohydrate reserves of self-degrade,” explains Milton.

The second way of the body calories or energy burn, is due to the conversion of fat. This happens when the carbohydrate stores are exhausted.

Every Time we move, walking and other activities of daily life running, burns up to also fat as a fuel, because it is movements with low intensity.

Bodyweight Training burns little fat

“If you do body weight exercises, your body burns first, carbs, as these are the fastest source of energy. Once you have completed the Exercise and the carbohydrate reserves are exhausted, will provide the body you with energy, it uses fat as a fuel source,” explains the expert.

She stresses, however, that the body is something technically fat seen through Bodyweight Training burn, once the body has depleted the stored carbohydrates, but not enough to lose weight.

If the goal is to lose weight and you Exercises, for example squats the whole time, just very slight Bodyweight, it does not so probably burned enough fat to lose weight. This is because the body gets used to these Exercises used to easily.

Beginner’s note at the beginning, but a change in your muscles, but if you stay longer at the Ball, not enough body-weight training to build muscle and lose weight.

In the gallery: 15 effective Fatburn-Hacks

More intense Bodyweight workouts make more sense

However, when making a more intense body weight exercises, for example, Tuck Jumps, Burpees, mountain climbers and Squat Jumps, it is required of the body more, because it is high-intensity movements. As a result, the body can burn enough calories to lose weight, continue, emphasizing Milton.

Because to burn fat and build muscle, it requires the expert, after a progressive Overload. In Essence, this is the gradual increase of a load, for example, by a weight.

A beginner would bend, for example, with the knee and lunges to begin, in order to strengthen his muscles. Then he would perform the same movements with a light weight and with time the weight of more and more increase, to continue to build muscle and burn fat.

Judith Kerstgens

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