Dry January: How healthy is it to waive a month on alcohol?

New year, new luck – and often the right time for good resolutions such as more exercise, eat healthier, or to abstain from alcohol.

A boozy year, culminating for many in a of December, in the alcohol just about anywhere: at the Christmas party in the office, at the Christmas market, during meetings with family and friends.

After a boisterous new year’s eve celebration with plenty of alcohol comes with so many the idea that it can’t go on like this and need a break.

Dry January: A month without alcohol

Alcohol can have serious consequences for the body, each of the cost of full-noise, for example, a couple of brain cells.

As an antidote, some prescribe a dry season to the beginning of the year – for example, either a Dry January, or going without Alcohol during lent, from ash Wednesday to Easter.

In the UK, the Organisation Alcohol Concern is calling in this year for Dry January – no Drinks in the first month of the year.

In this time, to recuperate the liver and the brain can be protected from further nerve damage, so the idea. But what is the impact of temporary abstinence really work?

Like Alcohol, have a positive effect

Not 30 or 40 days in alcohol, the noticeable: you sleep better, has less headaches, decreases.

The improved well-being is also reflected in measurable values. Blood pressure and liver will benefit from a relatively short break, as Professor Ian Gilmore, a liver expert from the University of Liverpool, explained in a Podcast of the ‘British Medical Journal’.

The liver is damaged permanently, it can regenerate itself in an abstinence phase. He therefore supported the Initiative of Dry January and hopes that the temporary abstinence inspired many people to drink less or perhaps even no more alcohol.

Dry January: can be a dry month dangerous

But not for everyone so a temporary abstinence is recommended.

Health expert Ian Hamilton, of York University, disagreed with his colleagues in the ‘British Medical Journal’ and expressed the fear that some people might have the feeling to have a Dry January be the free ticket for the next excessive eleven months earned.

Then was not won so much, he said. It is important, finally, that it really comes down to a change in thinking.

For some people, it is even dangerous to consume in a day no more alcohol. Who regularly drink large amounts and perhaps is already in a dependency is inserted, to risk his body with a sudden withdrawal of a lot to expect of, and health risks.

“If someone makes requirements for abstinence times, then for me, this is more of a warning signal,” said Tom Bschor in the daily newspaper ‘the world’ is critical.

The chief doctor of the psychiatric Department of the Berlin Schlosspark-Klinik sees the assigning of the permitted hours for Drinking and quotas as a dubious sign that may indicate a dependence or addiction risk.

Each week alcohol-free days

To mortify instead of a month, and then again to continue as before, it may be better to limit its consumption of alcohol throughout the year, and to renounce every week for several days (and evenings) on alcohol.

Does the liver good and does not strain the sensitive brain cells, if you drink on the other days on a regular basis about the thirst.

It is accustomed that the everyday life is also great without the alcohol to cope, also decreases the risk of unnoticed in an Addiction withdrawal forward.

“Each day without alcohol is a good one,” stressed Tom Bschor.

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*The contribution of “Dry January: How healthy is it to waive a month on alcohol?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.