Liebesaus!: These are the biggest problems in the case of a separation

Separation with obstacles! A Liebesaus is often stressful and painful. However, it is not only the pain of separation that has caused sleepless nights.

The more similarities, had the Ex-lovers, the more complicated it can be to make a shared life now as two separate and stand-alone.

The Online matchmaking ‘Parship’ wanted to know more precisely, which factors represent the greatest stumbling blocks and asked to 2,800 partner-seekers.

Children are the biggest challenge

The top tab is a little surprising: Are the children in the game, is it not possible to just go separate ways and leave the relationship behind.

69 percent of respondents in separation complications, first of all, as from now on the custody of common children to make.

In the 30-to 49-Year-olds, this proportion is even higher: 76 percent see the “children’s point” as the main problem, where often discussions are inevitable.

Joint ownership is the Problem

Also place a lit: at Least one Person must find a new place to Stay. Anyone who pulls out of the common house or shared apartment?

If the property is not the property, complicating the separation once again. In General, money matters and financial security there is, meanwhile, a gap between the Younger and the Older.

While 24 percent of the under 30-Year-old can hardly see a Problem in playing of Finance with increasing age, a greater role — often it is the growing financial ties.

The Younger is made, however, more Worried about the current common circle of friends.

Who gets the pet?

Even if you always hear stories about bizarre custody disputes in domestic animals, so it is no Problem to decide, where there is a dog, cat or Guinea pig in the future, be fed.

Also in the long term, jointly planned vacations separation of candidate pairs to prepare a little more of a headache.

Parship-a Coach and a couple of adviser, Eric Hegmann warns hurts to take the separation phase, on lightly: “A separation, because she represents a strong, emotional incision in life.

We lose a Partner with us means a lot. In this Situation, it is not easy to come up with organizational issues.”

Nevertheless, employment is a subject of inescapable: “Stay as clear as possible in their statements and goals demEx-Partner – even if it is difficult.

So you can seize the opportunities, the introduction of an end of also offers, The own life comes back into focus and you can develop a self-determined,” says Hegemann.

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*The Post “Liebesaus!: These are the publishing the biggest problems with a separation,” from FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.