Enjoy food, keep weightit’s okay!
LEVEL of KNOWLEDGE has developed a nine-week pleasure Coaching you can learn to eat for pleasure and to keep your weight. This is the eighth part. The other parts can be found here.
In this Coaching is to eat with enjoyment and consciousness – and to keep up with this new eating habits, one’s own weight, to eat healthy and wholesome.
This means that There is a change in diet. Even if the Exercises and tasks are often difficult for many people – especially permanently – is under Stress, if you try to modify your eating habits. Many do not accuse yourself, if you keep the changes the same way that you have it made. Or you struggle with your weakness of Will. Then an unpleasant voice, with runs in all the Exercises, and in spite of the change of intention is always a kind of, the comments and devalues what you tried and tried. This is distressing and pointless.
This week, the Coaching is therefore concerned with the question of how one learns to accept one’s own eating habits, his desires and his character. The sounds of a paradox: to change something AND accept what is Status quo. But this is precisely the prerequisite for this is that you are surrounded in peace and over a longer period of time, the eating habits really.
Therefore, you will get an Exercise, you learn more and more acceptance. She comes from the behavioral approach, the “acceptance and Commitment therapy” (ACT).
The Monster hug
You look back on the past few weeks, and their experiences with the delightful food. Draw your attention deliberately on what didn’t go so well: Have you found eating habits to you have appalled? You have admitted to yourself that cravings or emotional eating is an issue for you? Have you thought in between: “This is all well and good. But I weigh ten pounds, and since all this also helps me nothing.”
Please be petty. Yank out the negative thoughts and doubts, or self-reproach that you make as a result of their figure. Imagine now this tangle of accusations and Doubt as a Monster, they embellish this image to be calm and use your imagination (think of eyes, mouth, Claws, teeth). Has it worked? Well, now comes the next step.
Now imagine two things: firstly, that you have to fight with this Monster. On the other, they walk Arm-in-Arm with this Monster through life.
- Try to imagine how you will feel when you have to fight against the Monster: you Have your destination and your way there, still in view, if you are struggling, you can enjoy your life and also your food yet?
- Now imagine how you will feel when you walk Arm-in-Arm with the Monster through life. What is your view on your goals and your way now? How can you enjoy your food, if the Monster is on your side? You feel the difference?
You can try in the coming weeks, with varying degrees of success when you start or yourself for your appearance or your lack of progress, to berate, to recall the image of Monster and man. Check back: I will fight? Or, I could hake the Monster and go with him Arm-in-Arm? The psychotherapist Steven Hayes, one of the founders of ACT, has found in studies that such image-help ideas for people to develop on a duration of more acceptance.
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If you remember, that acceptance is difficult, you will benefit from this Exercise, it might be worthwhile to read more on the subject. A recommended book on the topic of acceptance is about Matthias Wengenroth: “The life of accept. The acceptance and Commitment therapy”.
You want to read more? The current edition of the MIRROR KNOW to order 3/2019 at meine-zeitschrift.de or Amazon, or MIRROR subscribe to KNOWLEDGE directly.