In a recent paper published in PLOS One, Soumya Chatterjee, M.D., assistant professor of infectious diseases, allergy and immunology at
Is pomegranate juice so useful?
The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known for a long time, but pomegranate juice should be used with caution.
Tailoring the surface of carbon may hold the key to monitoring patient blood in real-time
Thanks to the development of a new computational model, Postdoctoral Researcher Miguel Caro is spearheading work on tailor-made carbon surfaces
Improving city parks may be one path to help make residents more active
Helping residents become more physically fit may not just be a walk in a park, it could also be a
Most patients with cystic fibrosis may receive insufficient antibiotics to fight lung infections: Real-time tracking of serum antibiotic concentrations could help recovery from pulmonary exacerbations
The majority of patients with cystic fibrosis may not achieve blood concentrations of antibiotics sufficiently high enough to effectively fight
Soft furniture doesn’t cushion risk of falls by young children
Most parents know how easily young children can fall down stairs or tumble off tables at home. Soft, padded furniture
Easier treatment for blinding eye disease shows promise in clinical trial
A new study shows that an implantable delivery system for a widely used medication to treat a blinding eye disease
Potential therapy for treatment-resistant hypothyroidism proves effective in lab study: Novel coordination of thyroid hormone with zinc promotes slow release of active hormone to supplement standard therapy
A new “metal-coordinated” drug-delivery technology potentially could be used to supplement the standard therapy for hypothyroidism, which affects nearly 10
Genetics allows personalized disease predictions for chronic blood cancers: Patients with blood cancers a step closer to personalized medicine
Scientists have developed a successful method to make truly personalised predictions of future disease outcomes for patients with certain types
Using personal data to predict blood pressure
Engineers at UC San Diego used wearable off-the-shelf technology and machine learning to predict, for the first time, an individual’s