A program offering group support, acupuncture, mindfulness, massage and gentle exercise may help prevent patients on prescription opioids from spiraling
Correlated nucleons may solve 35-year-old mystery
A careful re-analysis of data taken at the Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has revealed a possible
Decolonization protocol can prevent dangerous infections among discharged hospital patients
Hospital patients who have methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can prevent future MRSA infections by following a standard bathing protocol after
Blindfolded training could help doctors save young lives
In a simulation training study, pediatric team leaders who wore a blindfold improved their leadership skills ratings by 11% over
Investigators study effect of switching insulin medications
In the United States, the drug price for insulin has skyrocketed over the last two decades. While the price has
Medical detection dogs help diabetes patients regulate insulin levels
New research by the University of Bristol in collaboration with Medical Detection Dogs has found that the best trained alert
Lack of standard dosage for blood thinners can lead to bleeding during bariatric surgery: The study suggests better measures for accurate dosages of blood thinners in obese patients
Rutgers researchers have found a way to reduce bleeding in patients following bariatric surgery. The study, which appeared in the
Opioids fueled a doubling of suicides and overdoses in the US: Turning the tide demands improvements to pain care, mental health care and medication-assisted opioid addiction care
Suicides and drug overdoses kill American adults at twice the rate today as they did just 17 years ago, and
US health care spending highest among developed countries
The United States, on a per capita basis, spends much more on health care than other developed countries; the chief
A safe, wearable soft sensor: Biocompatible sensor could be used in diagnostics, therapeutics, human-computer interfaces, and virtual reality
Children born prematurely often develop neuromotor and cognitive developmental disabilities. The best way to reduce the impacts of those disabilities