Earlier this month, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Brief that
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‘Not doing what you’re told isn’t a mental disorder’, expert claims
‘Not doing what you’re told isn’t a mental disorder’: Expert accuses the NHS of medicalising bad behaviour after claims one
Is email evil? Bosses are getting boxed in by their inbox
Want to be a better boss? Check your email less often. Research from Michigan State University shows that keeping up
Circuit found for brain’s statistical inference about motion: Brain’s equation for prediction looks like a Bayesian inference
As the eye tracks a bird flying past, the muscles that pan the eyeballs to keep the target in focus
Going beyond ‘human error’
Failures in highly technological environments, such as military aircraft, can be investigated using known tools like HFACS, the U.S. Department
Scientists merge statistics, biology to produce important new gene computational tool
The cells in our bodies express themselves in different ways. One cell might put a chunk of genetic code to