Thyroid cancer: Know the symptoms Thyroid cancer is when abnormal cells in the thyroid gland start to divide and grow in an
What the flow of your urine reveals about your risk of developing prostate cancer
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Prostate cancer: Experiencing any of these peculiar toilet habits could be an early sign
We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your
High blood pressure: The four unusual signs found in your feet warning of hypertension
We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your
Does this happen to you immediately after peeing? It could signal prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the result of cancerous cells multiplying uncontrollably in the prostate — a small walnut-shaped gland in men.
Dementia symptoms: The ‘hallmark’ sign on your face to watch out for
Dementia is a broad term for conditions associated with progressive brain decline. There are many misconceptions surrounding dementia and two
Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Do you smell that? The warning sign you could be at risk
Pancreatic cancer is cancer that starts in the pancreas – a gland that produces digestive juices and hormones. Cancerous cells
Signs and symptoms of Lewy body dementia
Lewy body dementia, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies, is the second most common type of progressive dementia after
High cholesterol: Do you see this shape in your eye? Arcus senilis is a sign – what is it?
High cholesterol is a confusing condition to have as the signs and symptoms are not obvious and if warning signs
Heart attack: Two warning signs of the dangerous condition found on your skin
Heart attacks are indeed terrifying experiences which can come on suddenly and could be fatal. When this experience occurs, a