Fitness, mental health and cognitive abilities are critically important for football officials.(Getty Images) The night before game day, Gus Morris
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Stop Focusing Only on Your Own Health – It's Backfiring
Self-transcendence, or thinking beyond yourself, can somewhat ironically help you achieve your personal goals.(Getty Images) Eating well, moving your body
Low resilience puts men at risk for depression
Men who lack resilience are exponentially more vulnerable to becoming severely depressed after their spouse dies, according to a new
Pregnant women recognize baby expressions differently depending on mental health history
A pilot study has found that pregnant women who have suffered from depression or bipolar disorder (i.e. both mania and
The One Food Scientifically Proven To Help With Anxiety
To nutrition-conscious foodies, the mind-gut connection is nothing new. But psychobiotics – a growing strand of neuroscience – is exploring
‘Running helps me with cope with post-traumatic stress disorder’
I am a runner – and I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. One of the many things I think about
Sod the scientific warnings – here’s why I’ll keep on running | Kerry McCarthy
Bloody science. For a discipline that’s supposed to be all about accuracy and provable facts, you never know where you
The unhealthy side of wearable fitness devices | Arwa Mahdawi
Possibly the worst chat-up line I’ve ever had the misfortunate of overhearing was when a man in a Brooklyn bar
Being 'Hangry' Is A Very Real Thing, According To Science
Have you ever noticed you are far more likely to succumb to an irrational angry outburst when your stomach begins to
Now we can see brain cells ‘talk’ and that will shed light on neurological diseases
Scientists have developed a way to see brain cells talk — to actually see neurons communicate in bright, vivid color.