The potential long-term neurological effects of concussions and other knocks to the head in professional sport have attracted significant attention
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Unmet needs linked with lower quality of life in people with lung cancer
Research published in the European Journal of Cancer Care suggests that unmet physical and psychological needs of patients with lung
MIND diet linked to better cognitive performance
Aging takes a toll on the body and on the mind. For example, the tissue of aging human brains sometimes
HIV linked with increased risk of sudden cardiac death
People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have a higher risk of sudden cardiac death than people who do not
Recent cannabis use linked to heart attack risk in younger adults
Adults younger than 45 years who reported recently using cannabis were 2 times more likely to have had a heart
Factors linked to development of pediatric psoriasis identified
(HealthDay)—Atopic dermatitis, a family history of psoriasis, and skin viral and bacterial infection and fungal infections in early life are
Adult ADHD linked to numerous physical conditions
Adults with ADHD are at higher risk of a wide range of physical conditions, including nervous system, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and
RA linked to restrictive, obstructive spirometry patterns
(HealthDay)—Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with restrictive and obstructive spirometry patterns, with the strongest associations seen for severe patterns, according
Diet rich in animal foods, alcohol and sugar linked to ‘inflammatory’ gut microbiome
A high dietary intake of animal products, processed foods, alcohol and sugar is linked to a gut microbiome that encourages
Leisure physical activity is linked with health benefits but work activity is not
The first large study showing that leisure time physical activity and occupational physical activity have opposite, and independent, associations with