Bloody science. For a discipline that’s supposed to be all about accuracy and provable facts, you never know where you
Sod the scientific warnings – here’s why I’ll keep on running | Kerry McCarthy
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Bloody science. For a discipline that’s supposed to be all about accuracy and provable facts, you never know where you
Introduction Ever been for a 1.5km swim, got out on the other side and thought “I really fancy going for
In junior school, my teacher told my parents that no matter what she asked me to write about, I would
Someone make me a cup of hot Ribena, please. Sniff. Yesterday’s 15 miler seems to have tipped my immune system
I didn’t think I was afraid of the dark, but then it’s not often that I find myself wandering around
Last month, ultrarunner and mountaineer Kilian Jornet scaled Everest in a record time of 26 hours. He completed the journey
Hands up who would like to be fitter/slimmer/healthier/trimmer,’ begins a story in the Observer Magazine’s 18 July 1982 issue. ‘Almost
Of course you can be “fit after 40” (Run for your life!, G2, 8 March). At 65 I’ve started doing
How was your run this weekend – and what have you got planned for the week ahead, running-wise? From now
I have never tried yoga, so I arrived for a class at Triyoga in Chelsea feeling pretty intimidated. My inner