It’s easy to view super-fit runners who spend hours each week pounding pavements as vice-free obsessives, but this is not
Is it possible, asks Peta Bee, that being super-fit lessens the risks of smoking?
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It’s easy to view super-fit runners who spend hours each week pounding pavements as vice-free obsessives, but this is not
When you’re a kid, and you get on a horse, or roller skates, or into some Levi’s, in your head
The typical image of a yoga teacher is a vegan, teetotal Buddhist, but I’m partial to a kebab after the
How can I find out how fit I am? I am a 44-year-old woman who tries to jog in the
1599 Tennis nut William Shakespeare gives an early version of the game a plug in Henry V. “What treasure, uncle?”
How much can you endure? It’s a question we all want to remain metaphorical. But sometimes life isn’t that kind.
It’s the first sporting injury of my life, sustained while I was training for a longer out-of-town cycle with BellaVelo.
It felt like autumn arrived this weekend. I was just settling into my long run (a very slow 24 miles,
A look of horror comes across friends’ faces when I tell them the grand plan for my second marathon. Fired
Expansionist news from Madonna, now, who this week announced that she is to open a global chain of gyms. Or,