Tim Morrow, founder of Common Sense Products. (YouTube/Common Sense Products) A Los Angeles-area “herbalist” was convicted in a child abuse
Hungry Oscar Noms Can Chow Down on The Luxe Food In Their Gift Bags
It’s safe to say that we’ve all had our Oscar winner fantasies, our fake speech ready to thank our parents,
Tор Mоtivаtiоnаl Mоviеѕ Tо Gеt You Оut Of Bеd Аnd In Ѕhаре
Raging Bull Whilе trаining with thе film’s rеаl-lifе ѕubjесt, Jake LаMоttа, Robert Dе Nirо ѕо imрrеѕѕеd the former middleweight сhаmр
Why antibiotics fail in the fight against bacteria
Only recently, on Medical News Today, we presented a study highlighting the ever-growing crisis of superbugs spreading at an unexpectedly
Venoms are sources in the search for new medicines
Animal venoms are the subject of study at the Butantan Institute in São Paulo. But in this case, the idea
Education Not Tied to Rate of Cognitive Change in Seniors
FRIDAY, Feb. 8, 2019 — Education is associated with global cognition but not with the rate of cognitive change in
Phthalates may impair fertility in female mice
A phthalate found in many plastic and personal care products may decrease fertility in female mice, a new study found.
Parents Conflicted About Opioid Use in Children
THURSDAY, Feb. 7, 2019 — Parents are conflicted about the use of prescribed opioids in children, with most concerned about
5 Signs You're in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Abusive relationships can be difficult to escape for lots of reasons—fear, denial, and dependence being just a few. And abuse
Brazen Rip-Off? Vegan cheese is six times more expensive, despite the cheap ingredients
Vegan food conquer food shelves and make the manufacturer rich. Because they usually cost a multiple of the conventional products,