Zika virus strips immune cells of their identity: New lab technique for separating infected and uninfected cells helps reveal how Zika virus manipulates the human immune system

Macrophages are immune cells that are supposed to protect the body from infection by viruses and bacteria. Yet Zika virus

Not junk: ‘Jumping gene’ is critical for early embryo: Gene that makes up a fifth of the human genome is not a parasite, but key to the first stages of embryonic development

A so-called “jumping gene” that researchers long considered either genetic junk or a pernicious parasite is actually a critical regulator

Improved ape genome assemblies provide new insights into human evolution: Better understanding of genetic influences on primate and human brain differences was also gained through comparative organoid models

New, higher-quality assemblies of great ape genomes have now been generated without the guidance of the human reference genome. The