A new study shows that many OB-GYNs are uncomfortable counseling their patients on fertility at a time when more women
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Fewer reproductive years in women linked to an increased risk of dementia
Women who start their period later, go through menopause earlier or have a hysterectomy may have a greater risk of
Sexist men underestimate their power in romantic relationships: Concern for losing power to women can lead to more aggression
Heterosexual men with sexist attitudes may underestimate how much power they actually have in their romantic relationships, which could lead
A study analyzes the impact of targeted Facebook advertising on the election: It is estimated that it increased the number of Trump voters by 10 percent in 2016
Republican Donald Trump’s team spent 44 million dollars on Facebook, with 175,000 different adverts during the 2016 election campaign, compared
When it comes to love: Personality matters
Men with a greater range of personality traits, especially those deemed extraverted, emotionally stable, agreeable or conscientious, have sex more
Low resilience puts men at risk for depression
Men who lack resilience are exponentially more vulnerable to becoming severely depressed after their spouse dies, according to a new
Pre-eclampsia linked to an increased risk of dementia later in life: Asking women about a history of pre-eclampsia may help identify those at most risk
Pre-eclampsia is associated with an increased risk of later dementia, particularly vascular dementia, caused by reduced blood supply to the
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome more likely to have a child with autism
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are more likely than other women to have an autistic child, according to an
Having the right name helps one to find housing
Over the past four decades, the incidence of housing discrimination against members of ethnic minorities has fallen in both Western
Reaching for tissues at the symphony? It’s probably solo time
Music can transport a spirit from sullen to joyful. It can bring a concertgoer to unexpected tears. But the details