Loneliness is bad for the heart and a strong predictor of premature death, according to a study presented today at
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Widespread uranium contamination found in India’s groundwater: Aquifers across India contain uranium levels above WHO safety standards
A new Duke University-led study has found widespread uranium contamination in groundwater from aquifers in 16 Indian states. The main
Half of hepatitis C patients with private insurance denied life-saving drugs: Both private and public insurers continue to deny coverage for drugs at high rates
The number of insurance denials for life-saving hepatitis C drugs among patients with both private and public insurers remains high
Millions could have incorrect statin, aspirin and blood pressure prescriptions
More than 11 million Americans may have incorrect prescriptions for aspirin, statins and blood pressure medications, according to a study
Mystery deepens over the cause of Alzheimer’s: Biologist studies ‘traffic jams’ in brain cells with the hope of unraveling the origins of disease
For more than 20 years, much of the leading research on Alzheimer’s disease has been guided by the “amyloid hypothesis.”
A step closer to developing a DNA test for liver cancer
A group of researchers from Mayo Clinic and Exact Sciences Corporation have completed a phase II study comparing a set
What would help or hinder patient participation in mitochondrial disease clinical trials? Patient-centric perspective offers key insights into upcoming treatment studies
As clinical trials gear up with the aim of attaining the first FDA-approved treatments for mitochondrial disease, a new study
Common diabetes drug found safe for most diabetics with kidney disease: Acidosis related to use of metformin seen only in those with severely decreased kidney function
Results of a large-scale study suggest that the oral diabetes drug metformin is safe for most diabetics who also have
More breast cancer patients can safely forgo chemotherapy: Study
A 21-gene test performed on tumors could enable most patients with the most common type of early breast cancer to
Timing resuscitation compressions using the song ‘La Macarena’ or using a smartphone app improve compression quality
New research presented at this year’s Euroanaesthesia congress in Copenhagen, Denmark shows that the quality of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary