A new drug discovery system allows scientists to specifically target members of an important family of enzymes, called phosphatases, which
The cancer expert who treats women ‘written-off’ by other doctors
NHS Health Heroes: The ovarian cancer expert who treats women ‘written-off’ by other doctors Do you know a health hero?
Obamacare May Have Helped More Women Spot Cancer Early
MONDAY, July 23, 2018 — Earlier diagnosis of gynecologic cancers is on the rise among young women in the United
Targeting headaches and tumors with nano-submarines
Scientists at the Mainz University Medical Center and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) have developed a new
High fruit and vegetable consumption may reduce risk of breast cancer
Women who eat a high amount of fruits and vegetables each day may have a lower risk of breast cancer,
Cancer Survival Drops With Complementary Therapy: Study
THURSDAY, July 19, 2018 — People with curable cancers who try “complementary therapy” often refuse some part of standard care.
Watch the moment children who survived cancer ring a bell to celebrate
The bell ring that signals the battle with cancer has been won: Watch the heartwarming moment children who have survived
Solved protein puzzle opens door to new design for cancer drugs
CORVALLIS, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon State University have solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving
Advanced Prostate Cancer Variant More Common Than Thought
WEDNESDAY, July 11, 2018 — The incidence of treatment-emergent small-cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer (t-SCNC) is 17 percent among patients with
New vaccine candidates for malaria
Researchers have shown that higher levels of Plasmodium falciparum antibodies are protective against severe malaria in children living in Papua