Among the populations most significantly affected by COVID-19 are the elderly and patients with preexisting medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension,
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Study paves the way for a better understanding of muscle injury
Researchers from the INCLIVA Health Research Institute, the Clinical Hospital of Valencia, and the University of Valencia (UV) have participated
Plant-derived compound can be beneficial in protecting the brain against Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Fenchol, a natural compound abundant in some plants including basil, can help protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease pathology, a
Wake Forest and AFAR receive up to $5 million NIA renewal award to continue management of RCCN
Wake Forest School of Medicine and the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) have received a renewal award for up
Unvaccinated, homebound and now hospitalized with Covid in New York City
Dr. Leora Horwitz treats fewer and fewer Covid patients at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. Still, she
Senolytics reduce inflammation, illness, and mortality from COVID infection in older mice
Mayo Clinic researchers and colleagues at the University of Minnesota showed that COVID-19 exacerbates the damaging impact of senescent cells
Random cellular changes play vital role in longevity beyond genetics and environment
A new model of aging takes into account not only genetics and environmental exposures but also the tiny changes that
For elderly couples, negative thoughts about aging can be detrimental to their spouses
Elderly husbands and wives can expect their health to decline—as well as that of their spouse—when their self-perceptions about aging
High uric acid levels benefit women’s lungs in aging and disease
Researchers at Kumamoto University in Japan have discovered that uric acid, an antioxidant, protects against declining function from age or
How coronavirus exposes the way we regard aging and old people
The elderly have come to occupy a central place in our news bulletins these days. Headlines were quick to inform