These Christmas plants are poisonous

Amaryllis, Christmas rose, Christmas star & Co. are currently in many of the apartments for a Christmas Flair. If children or Pets live in the house, however, caution should be used, because all of these Christmas beauties are poisonous. The action has "The safe Haus" (DSH).

In the Amaryllis, for example, toxins get stuck in all parts of the plant. Particularly high concentration in the onion. The consumption of only a few grams can result in DSH to Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea. In the worst case, kidney damage and paralysis are possible. Families place vases with Amaryllis blooms best outside the reach of your children. The Plant is also toxic to animals: dog, cat & Co. is a danger to life, if they eat parts of the Amaryllis.

The red poinsettia plants are all also parts toxic, and vomiting and Nausea. The same is true for the white Christmas rose, you can trigger the consumption of a Scratch in the mouth and throat, increased salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dilated pupils and slow, irregular pulse.

In the case of the yew, the red glow of many of the advent berries enhance wreaths, chewed leaves, twigs and seeds are extremely toxic. The one to two hours after eating due to the Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain through to heart palpitations, circulatory weakness, and unconsciousness. Lethal heart rhythm disturbances are not excluded according to the DSH.

The fabled mistletoe, magic and medicinal plant known to man and the animal unfit for human consumption. Even if consumption causes only mild discomfort, you should not get into the hands of children.

A child has ingested parts of the plant, to preserve the peace and to choose the Poison. Then follow the instructions of the experts. In the case of severe symptoms of intoxication, select immediately to the emergency call (112).


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