Woman brings three children to the world – at a distance of 26 days
A woman from Bangladesh has brought twins to the world, although she only got 26 days before a Baby. The young mother had been brought up a few weeks after the first birth with severe abdominal pain in a hospital, the Doctors discovered that she carried two more children in the belly.
Number of multiple births has births increased
According to experts, in the last years, more and more multiple births. It is so surprising at first, nothing, if a woman bring twins to the world. But if a woman does that has only received a few weeks previously a boy, then this is amazing.

With strong abdominal pain in the clinic
A woman from Bangladesh has made more than a month after the birth of a preterm birth to twins, her doctor told to the British news channel “BBC”.
The 20-year-old Arifa Sultana, who comes from a rural village, brought her first Baby at the end of February in Khulna Medical College Hospital.
But 26 days later, she was in pain with severe abdominal to a different hospital.
There, the Doctors found that she was still with the twins in a second uterus pregnant.
“When the patient came in, we studied you and found out that there were twins,” said the gynecologist, Dr. Sheila Poddar of the University hospital of the city of Khulna.
“We were very shocked and surprised. I’ve never seen anything like this,“ said the Doctor.
Double system of the uterus
In the BBC report also explains why the second Uterus was overlooked at the time of first birth.
According to Dr. Poddar, the young mother and her husband are “very poor”. Therefore, it was made in the case of the woman in advance of your first birth, no ultrasound.
Such a study could be detected in the woman Uterus didelphys. This Uterine malformation, there is a double system of the uterus.
According to the “BBC” have affected women often have no symptoms, so the disease is usually detected during pregnancy when an ultrasound investigation is carried out.
Worry because of financial Situation
“You had no idea that she carried two more babies,” said Dr. Poddar. “We have carried out a caesarean section and she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.”
The 20-Year-old and their newborn were at 25. March after four days in the hospital.
“The babies and the mother are healthy. I am very, very happy that everything went well,“ said Dr. Poddar.
The young woman was happy with her children, but also because of the financial Situation is concerned, because her husband earns less than 6,000 Taka (around 62 Euro) per month.
The husband said to the news Agency AFP that he will give “his Best”.
“It was a miracle of Allah that all my children are healthy. I’ll do my Best to make you happy.“ (ad)