Those most at risk of severe illness from coronavirus include the very old and people with generally weakened or impaired immune systems. Boris Jonson has now added pregnant women to the vulnerable group and warned they need to be extra cautious with the threat of the deadly virus sweeping through the UK. The Prime Minister announced that the UK is now in the peak and Britons need to limit social contact.
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Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced today: “Our objective is to delay and flatten the coronavirus epidemic to minimise suffering and save lives.
“Last week we asked everyone to stay at home if they have any of these two key symptoms; a high fever and a new and persistent cough.
“Now we need to go further as we are now at the growth phase and cases of infection could double. If you, or anyone you know has any of those two symptoms you should stay at home and not go out even to buy food. You can exercise but at a safe distance from others and please do ask for help from others if you need it.
“Limit social contact when you leave the house for supplies. Even if you don’t have symptoms now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact and travel. We need people to start working from home and avoid clubs, pubs and other gatherings and only contact the NHS if you really need it and try to use the online service rather than calling in.
“People over 70, pregnant and with some health conditions should be extra cautious.
“We know this will be disruptive but it will make the biggest difference in reducing victims and reducing fatalities. We need to ensure this period of shielding coincides with the peak of this disease.”
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