Dietary supplements do not help in the prevention of Depression
In a recent study has shown that you can’t prevent a Depression due to the daily intake of food supplements. Previous investigations, but there are ways to reduce the risk for depression.
More and more people suffer from mental diseases
According to health experts, the number of people with depression worldwide. Also in Germany and the EU, more and more people suffer from mental illness. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are looking for ways to the risk of developing a Depression, to reduce. As a recent study showed, are not a dietary Supplement, suitable.

Dietary supplements for the prevention of depression?
Older scientific studies have supplied evidence that Omega-3 fatty acids on Alzheimer’s could Precautionary be suitable, but years ago, researchers reported that these fatty acids are unlikely to be effective in depression.
Now a recent study has shown that substances of a Depression due to the daily intake of food supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids and other contents such as vitamins and minerals can prevent.
This has been in the MooDFOOD study has investigated the preventive effect of dietary supplements and psychological counselling on healthy diet and lifestyle to Depression.
As the University hospital of Leipzig, in a communication writes, were involved in the study, researchers at the Leipzig University medical center, together with 14 other research institutions from Europe.
The main results of the MooDFOOD study were published in the journal “Journal of the American Medical Association” (JAMA).
Study participants with elevated risk of the disease
According to the figures, more than 1,000 overweight or obese people from four European countries took part in the study.
These individuals had become ill are at increased risk of Depression and reported at baseline, at least mild depressive symptoms, but not Depression.
The subjects were randomly divided into groups and took either a daily Supplement of Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, folic acid, selenium, Vitamin D and zinc, or a Placebo preparation.
In addition, half of all study participants received a professional psychological counseling in individual and group sessions on healthy eating and way of life, to establish, with the goal of a healthier dietary pattern.
Not more effective than Placebo preparations
The study showed: “The daily intake of food supplements over the period of a year, can not prevent the Occurrence of a major depressive Episode in the sample studied; Dietary Supplement act not preventive in relation to Depression,“ says Dr. Elisabeth Kohls, who coordinated the project at the University of Leipzig.
“The dietary Supplement preparations in the study were not more effective than the Placebo supplements, in some analyses, even worse,” explained the scientist.
“For a professional psychological counseling to a healthy diet and way of life could be detected in the sample no preventive effect.”
On methods and treatments with proven effect leaving
“These results are for the millions of depressed, Diseased and also the General population in Germany is significant,” said prof Dr Ulrich Hegerl, co-author of the article, the Director of the clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy in Leipzig and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation German depression aid.
“Depression is severe, often-threatening diseases. You reduce the life expectancy of an average of ten years,“ says the expert.
“As with any serious disease, we should rely, therefore, both in the area of Prevention, as well as in the therapy methods and treatments with a proven impact. In order to influence the course of the disease, including drug therapy and psychotherapy, but not dietary supplements,“ said Hegerl.
“It is understandable that people are looking for ways to reduce the risk of developing Depression. We now know that dietary Supplement are rather unsuitable.“
Disease risk reduce
Previous studies have shown, however, that there are ways to reduce the personal risk of depression – among other things through regular Sport.
So American scientists reported only a few months ago that physical activity and exercise help to lower the risk of Depression significantly. (ad)