What effect does hormone replacement therapy on the risk for Alzheimer’s?
Many women use a so-called hormone replacement therapy, in order to combat the unpleasant side effects of menopause. Doctors warned now that hormone replacement therapy may increase the risk for the development of Alzheimer’s significantly.
The researchers from the University of Helsinki found in their current study, the intake may increase the hormone replacement therapy the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The experts published the results of their study in the English journal “BMJ”.

What is the hormone replacement therapy?
Many women rely on hormone replacement therapy (HRT, or HRT) to cope with their symptoms in the menopause. However, this leads to an increased risk for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Hormone replacement therapy works by increasing the level of female sex hormones, so the aging caused natural loss of Estrogen balance. Typical symptoms of the menopause hot flushes, mood swings, loss of sexual desire and vaginal dryness. By taking HRT, these symptoms can be eliminated effectively and the health of the bones is increased.
Data from 170,000 women were evaluated
For their study, the Finnish researchers analyzed the data from 170,000 women. They found that the long-term use of HRT pills, the risk of Alzheimer’s between nine and 17 percent increases, if the women concerned started with the therapy in their 50s. Scientists suspect that the hormones can cause early brain changes that lead to Alzheimer’s. The results suggest that long-term application per 10,000 Users of the hormone replacement therapies can be caused for up to 18 additional cases of Alzheimer’s per year. Younger women should continue to receive hormone replacement therapy, if you have problems with your menopause, but women in the age above 60 years should consider taking better twice, advise the authors of the study.
These modifiable risk factors can predispose them to Alzheimer’s
It is estimated that up to about half of the cases of Alzheimer’s worldwide, the result of seven modifiable risk factors could be. These include Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, Smoking, depression, physical inactivity, and cognitive inactivity. A healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. However, it is important to know that most cases of Alzheimer’s occur regardless of the health of the Affected person, age and genetics play a huge role.
Hormone replacement therapy is for most women a safe treatment
The use of Hormone replacement therapy has declined in recent years after studies showed that such therapy increases the risk for breast and ovarian cancer, and strokes. Nevertheless, four out of five women in the UK alone hormone replacement therapy in the Form of a pill, say physicians.
Hormone replacement therapy could be for many women who suffer from particularly unpleasant side effects of menopause, will be of most Benefit, according to the research team. The therapy is for most women an effective and safe treatment, but as with all other medicines there is risk. It is known that Alzheimer’s disease begins ten or 20 years before the symptoms. Here, it is possible that the HRT accelerates these early changes of the susceptible individuals in any way, suggest the researchers from the University of Helsinki. (as)