Callback: disease-causing E. coli in soft cheese detected
The lower Saxon company Ruwisch & Zuck – The Cheese Specialists GmbH & Co. KG has launched a recall for a French raw-milk soft cheese. In the product of harmful E. coli have been demonstrated. Also at Lidl currently a cheese is called due to dangerous diarrhea-pathogens.
Harmful bacteria in raw milk cheese
The Company Ruwisch & Zuck – The Cheese Specialists GmbH & Co. KG, based in Hannover (lower Saxony) calls for the detection of harmful E. coli is a French raw-milk soft cheese. It is the product of Neufchatel AOP Artisan au lait cru from the manufacturer ANSELIN. Of the recall of the cheese is affected in the 200-gram pack with the MHD 31.03.2019 and the identification mark FR 76 567 002 CE.

Affected cheese not to eat
As the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety reported on its Portal “”, “were in the affected product Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli (STEC, syn. VTEC) was detected“.
According to a customer notice of this bacterium can cause severe diseases “for all persons this product consume raw”.
The company does not ask, therefore, to eat these “products and to point you in the sale, where they were acquired to bring back.”
If there are symptoms, a doctor
According to health experts, the proven bacteria within a week after the consumption of contaminated products can pain, diarrhea (sometimes bloody diarrhea), stomach and vomiting, with or without fever.
“These symptoms can cause (5-8% of cases), a serious renal complication, particularly in children”, – stated in the customer notice.
Consumers who have consumed the product and described the symptoms of suffering, “should consult your doctor immediately with the information of where and when the product in question was purchased”, the company said. (ad)