A Gynecologist Debunks 6 of the Most Common Conrtraception Myths They’ve Heard

The pill, IUDs, condoms, Plan B emergency contraception: Considering contraception has a pretty basic job (helping prevent pregnancy), it can be a really confusing topic. Even if you use contraceptives on the reg, you may not totally understand how they work, which one is best for you, or what their side effects might be. So it makes sense that there are a lot of misconceptions floating around out there—and gynos have just about heard it all from their patients.

“There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to contraception. A recent survey found that only half (52%) of Australian women feel that they have the knowledge and understanding around all contraception available to them, and a third of women (30%) have used the same type and brand of contraception since they first begun having sex,” explains Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Professor Gino Pecoraro.

So, just in time for World Contraception Day, we asked Professor Pecoraro to help us set the reproductive health record straight by look at some of the most common myths we might have fallen for over the years.

Because, c’mon, this is important stuff!


1. Efficacy is the only concern for women when it comes to contraception

Incorrect. Efficacy is important but there is a growing trend of women prioritising convenience, cost and alignment with lifestyle.

2. Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) is expensive

Incorrect. Set and forget options such as IUDs can last from 5 – 10 years. They are some of the most cost effective methods over the long term, especially if you factor in the cost of any unwanted pregnancies.

3. Sexual partners will be able to feel the IUD string during sex

Incorrect. Your sexual partners shouldn’t be able to feel an IUD string during sex. Moreover, IUD strings usually soften over time. Talk with your doctor if any pain or discomfort occurs.

4. IUDs are more suitable for older women or for those who have given birth

Incorrect. Contraceptives such as IUDs are suitable for all women. Although the fitting procedure can be more comfortable for women who have had a vaginal birth, IUDs come in different sizes to suit all women.  

5. Hormonal IUDs are associated with infertility

Incorrect. Studies find no increased risk of infertility among women who have used IUDs. In fact, fertility returns to its pre-state almost immediately after having an IUD removed.

6. Women’s contraceptive health has not been impacted by lockdown

Incorrect. Everything has been impacted by lockdown including women’s health. We’ve seen a decline in routine health checks, which means pap smears and contraception reviews are also being missed.

Following World Contraception Day on Sunday, Australian women are urged to take back control, review their contraception and be empowered with the knowledge to make informed decisions around what contraceptive is right for them. Visit http://www.mybodymyway.com.au/ to see what contraception is right for your body and lifestyle.

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