You Haven't Truly Worked Out With A Kettlebell Until You Try These Moves

There’s an underrated piece of gear in the weight room, and it’s time you started using it way more frequently. I’m talking about the kettlebell, an effective, bell-shaped piece of equipment that will help you build some major muscles.

You may associate this tool with quintessential kettlebell exercises like the kettlebell swing or Turkish get-up. But the kettlebell is super versatile—it’s a great addition to leg-day exercises like squats, or upper body moves like an overhead press because it disperses the weight differently (all in the center and away from the handle) than a dumbbell. Because of this, kettlebells require you to engage your core even more in order to move the load efficiently.

Below you’ll find 14 of the best kettlebell exercises and instructions for how to turn them into a full-body kettlebell workout. These moves are great for a beginner kettlebell workout when done with lighter weights at a slower pace. While intermediate or advanced fitness levels can turn them into a more challenging training session by opting to lift a heavier load and picking up the pace.

You can also sprinkle some of my favorite kettlebell exercises for women into your workouts two to three times a week in lieu of doing a full-body kettlebell workout as prescribed below.

The bell is in your court.

Time: 10 minutes

Equipment: kettlebell (If you’re new to using kettlebells, go for 4 kg to 12 kg. If it’s too easy and your form is perfect, try going up in weight by 2 to 4 kg.)

Good for: full body

Instructions: Choose five moves below. Then, do 15 reps each, for as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes.

Alternatively, you can do 12 to 15 reps, then continue to the next move. Repeat the entire five-move circuit three to four times. ( It could take 20 minutes to complete this volume of sets and reps, depending on your pace.)

Curl To Squat And Press

How to: Start in a squat position with a kettlebell in each hand, arms extended toward floor between feet, palms facing away from body. Bend elbows and curl weights to shoulder level. Then, in one motion, press through heels to stand up, raising the kettlebells overhead, rotating palms to face inward and stopping when biceps are by ears. Reverse movement to return to starting position. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Farmer’s Carry

How to: Start standing with feet together, a kettlebell in left hand, arm by side, and right hand on hip. Engage abs and take a small step forward. That’s one rep. Continue stepping one foot in front of the other for a total of 15 steps. Then repeat holding bell on the other side and continue to your next move.

Check out all the benefits of a farmer’s carry.

Goblet Squat

How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell with both hands in front of chest and close to body (elbows bent). Push hips back and bend knees to lower into a squat. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Use these tips to master your goblet squat.


How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands in front of face, elbows bent and wide at sides. Keeping both elbows bent, and the rest of body still, slowly circle the kettlebell around head once, keeping the weight at eye level. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps in one direction, 15 in the opposite, and then continue to your next move.

Kettlebell Swing

How to: Start in a hinge (hips back, knees slightly bent, torso leaned forward at 45 degrees) holding the handle of a kettlebell with both hands, arms extended straight toward floor and bell between knees. In one motion, squeeze glutes, straighten legs, lift torso, and thrust hips forward, while swinging the weight to shoulder height, keeping your arms straight and core tight. Reverse the movement, bringing the kettlebell between your legs. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Check out even more tips on how to master a kettlebell swing.

Kneeling Thrust to Press

How to: Start seated on heels with a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward, and weights resting against upper arms. In one motion, press hips forward and rise up to high kneeling position using that momentum to rotate palms away from body and press the kettlebells overhead until arms are straight and biceps are by ears. Reverse motion to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Seated Overhead Press

How to: Start seated in a cross-legged position, butt on ground, back straight, with a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward, and weights resting against upper arms. In one motion, rotate palms away from body and press the kettlebells overhead until arms are straight and biceps are by ears. Reverse motion to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Single-Arm Overhead Press

How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, left hand on hip, right hand holding kettlebell at shoulder height, palm facing inward, elbow bent. Engage core and rotate palm away from body while pressing weight overhead until arm is straight and bicep is by ear. Pause, then reverse motion to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15, then repeat on the other side. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

How to: Start standing with feet under hips holding a kettlebell in each hand, weights resting on quads and palms facing body. Keeping hips level, transfer all bodyweight into left leg and extend right leg behind body while lowering torso and weights toward ground. Stop when chest and right leg are parallel to floor, then reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15, repeat on the other side, and then continue to your next move.

Use these tips to nail your single-leg deadlift form.

Single-Leg Row

How to: Start standing with feet under hips holding a kettlebell in each hand, arms by sides, and palms facing body. Keeping hips level, transfer all bodyweight into left leg and extend straight right leg behind body while lowering torso and weights toward ground. Stop when chest and right leg are parallel to floor. Squeeze shoulder blades together while lifting elbows toward ceiling and pulling weights up toward ribs, then reverse entire movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15, repeat on the other side, and then continue to your next move.

Squat To Overhead Press

How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell in each hand, arms bent, elbows narrow, palms facing inward, and weights resting against upper arms. Lower body down into a squat. Then, engage core and in one motion, push through heels to stand, rotate palms to face away from body, and press the weights overhead until arms are straight. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Supported Bent-Over Row

How to: Start in a hinge (hips back, knees slightly bent, torso leaned forward at 45 degrees) holding the handle of a kettlebell with left hand, arm extended straight toward floor in front of left foot, and right hand resting on bench or chair for balance. Keep shoulders level and squeeze left shoulder blade, pulling the left elbow up until weight comes to chest height. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15, repeat on the other side. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

Turkish Get-Up

How to: Start lying face up with left leg straight on mat, right leg bent, foot flat on floor, left arm out at side on floor at 45-degree angle, and right arm holding kettlebell above shoulder, tricep on floor, and elbow at 45-degree angle from body. Raise the weight up above chest, keeping gaze on it, until arm is straight but not locked at the elbow. Push into left forearm to sit up. Rise onto left palm, lift hips off floor, and slide left leg behind body until kneeling on left knee with shin parallel to top of mat. Sweep left foot back behind body to come into kneeling lunge with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Push through your feet to stand bringing feet together under hips. Reverse entire movement to return to start. That’s one rep. For this move, only complete one rep and then continue to your next move.

Watch a full step-by-step video on how to conquer the Turkish get-up.


How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart with a kettlebell in right hand, right arm extended straight overhead, and left arm by side. Rotate chest to the right, look up at the kettlebell, and slowly hinge at waist to lower torso toward floor and touch left foot with left fingers, pushing hips back to the right corner of the room. Pause, then reverse motion to return to start. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps and then continue to your next move.

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