Try This 30-Day Fitness Challenge To Sculpt Your Entire Bod

You know that sensation when you set a fitness goal for yourself, and you suddenly feel invincible?

That unbridled excitement feels great—but, well, it’s hard to maintain in the long run. For me, too: I’m the fitness director of Women’s Health, and the author of a book called The Fitness Fix.

But just because I live and breathe this stuff doesn’t mean I don’t burn out or fall off the wagon from time to time.

That’s why Women’s Health created a different kind of challenge—a 30-day fitness challenge that’s totally customizable, depending on your needs. It will build muscle, burn calories, and blast fat no matter your fitness level—and won’t leave you feeling burned out when your 30 days are done.

Sweat with us! Join our Facebook group to receive daily reminders, non-stop motivation, and support from other women tackling the 30-day challenge.

Find links to the workout routines in this 30-day challenge below:

Monday: Lower-Body Workout

Tuesday: Upper-Body Workout

Wednesday: Cross-Training (Find Options Here)

Thursday: Total-Body Workout

Friday: Abs Workout

Saturday: Cross-Training (Find Options Here)

Sunday: Rest

Make It Work…For You

This plan is flexible, just tweak to get the best results:

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