How to live longer: The drink that can cut your risk of heart disease and stroke by 56%

Loose Women: Dr Hilary discusses how to live longer

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Boosting your longevity through diet might not be an unrealistic goal after all. A compelling body of research shows that certain lifestyle tweaks can add extra years to your lifespan. From nutrient-rich foods to potent drinks, taking care of your body could help reduce your risk of serious health problems.

The life expectancy in the UK has slightly dipped over the recent years, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Many are looking for the secret to longevity but it might be as simple as following a healthy lifestyle.

However, there are serious conditions that might jeopardise longevity plans due to their life-threatening nature, such as heart disease and stroke.

According to research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, green tea could do both – boost longevity while cutting the risk of these conditions.

The study found that enjoying tea at least three times a week is associated with a longer and healthier life.

The tea was potent for lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause death.

The study author Dr Xinyan Wang noted: “The favourable health effects are the most robust for green tea and for long-term habitual tea drinkers.”

So adding years to your lifespan could be as simple as taking time out of your day to savour green tea.

The research looked at more than 100,000 participants with no history of heart attack, cancer or stroke.

These subjects were divided into two groups – habitual tea drinks and those who drank tea less or never.

You might have guessed it based on the findings, habitual tea drinkers had three or more portions of tea weekly.

The participants were also followed-up years later to examine the effects on their diet in the long term.

The analysis linked various health benefits to those who drank the hot beverage regularly.

For example, take a 50-year-old person who often enjoys tea.

This tea drinker would develop coronary heart disease and stroke almost one and a half years later while living for 1.26 years longer, according to the study.

However, the best results were seen in those who maintained their tea-drinking habit for years.

These participants had a 56 percent lower risk of fatal heart disease and stroke. They also experienced a 29 percent drop in the risk of all-cause death.

The reason why green tea is protective against heart disease is its rich polyphenol content.

However, classic cuppa might not offer the same benefits as it loses some antioxidant effects during the preparation process.

Plus, it’s served with milk which could “counteract the favourable health effects on vascular function”.

The study also concluded that more trials might be needed to confirm their findings and inform dietary guidelines.

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