Red beetroot benefits: Three ways red beetroot may boost your health – backed by evidence

Top ten facts about beetroots

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Beetroot is a staple of many salads and research suggests its value goes far beyond aesthetic appeal. The root vegetable contains compounds that can bolster the body’s defences against serious decline. A comprehensive review published in the journal Nutrition sifted through the current literature on the subject.

Potent antioxidants

According to the review, beetroot is also one of the few vegetables that contain a group of highly bioactive pigments known as betalains.

Betalains is the most common pigment in beetroots, responsible for their strong red colour.

As the review explains, the pigment is a rich source of antioxidants – compounds that protect the body against oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is an imbalance of unstable atoms called free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.

The review cited a number of studies that indicate beetroot, in the form of a juice supplement, protects against oxidative damage to DNA.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Betalains and beetroot extracts have also emerged as potent anti-inflammatory agents, reports the review.

Chronic inflammation can spur on the development of a range of serious conditions, such as arthritis.

“There are a limited number of studies demonstrating that beetroot supplements have anti-inflammatory effects in vivo,” the researchers wrote.

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Studies that are in vivo are those in which the effects of various biological entities are tested on whole, living organisms or cells. It is one of a number credible methods for scientific testing.

One study cited in the review showed that ingesting betalain-rich oral capsules made from beetroot extracts alleviated inflammation and pain in osteoarthritic patients.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterised by progressive degeneration of the joints.

Boosting cognitive function

Cognitive function deteriorates with age and is associated with dementia and other forms of brain decline.

Although long-term clinical trials are yet to be conducted, a preliminary study explored the influence of acute beetroot supplementation on age-related cognitive function.

In the study, older type 2 diabetics supplemented with 250 mL of beetroot juice for 14 days.

At the end of the study, they experienced a significant improvement in simple reaction time compared to a control group.

However, no effects were evident in other cognitive tests associated with decision-making, rapid processing, shape and spatial memory.

General dietary tips

Everyone should aim for a well balanced diet – faddy crash diets may not provide the balance of nutrients you need.

According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), the best way to understand it is to think of foods in food groups.

Try to eat:

  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Plenty of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Choose whole grain varieties wherever possible
  • Some milk and dairy products
  • Some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
  • Only a small amount of foods and drinks high in fats and/or sugar.

“Choose options that are lower in fat, salt and sugar whenever you can,” adds the BHF.

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