More than 1000 new cases: Hantavirus spreads in Germany

More and more people are stuck in Germany with the Hantavirus, which is transmitted from Rötelmäusen and severe infections can cause. The latest Figures from the Robert Koch Institute indicate that the Virus is on the rise – particularly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

As the Robert-Koch-Institut in the current “Eipdemiologischen Bulletin” shows, there was from January until the beginning of September 2019 already 1.184 Hantavirus disease, in the same period, there were 2018, only 123 cases in the entire year, only 235.

Spread of the Rötelmaus as a Problem

The significantly increased cases of the disease are due to the spread of the Rötelmaus, which is one of the most common Carriers of the Hantavirus. In the majority of cases, infection via dust, the particles of feces, saliva or urine of the Rötelmaus are. The dust is stirred up, you can get the Virus through the respiratory tract in the human organism. By the bite of an animal, the Virus can be transmitted.

The Virus is in the body, it triggers a rule, flu – like symptoms such as headache, limb pain, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. In the case of a more severe course of the kidney can be affected, which is the result of a dialysis needed to be.

The mortality rate due to infection with the Hantavirus is according to the RKI between five and 15 percent. Currently, diseases are piling up, while deaths not confirmed by the Hantavirus, there is, as yet, but.

As the “Passauer Neue Presse” reported, there was in 2019, a case of death in which the Affected proof of suffered under an infection with the Hantavirus. If the Virus, however, is in direct connection with the death, could not be confirmed by the competent Bavarian state office for health and food safety (LGL) on request by FOCUS Online.

Neither vaccination nor treatment for the Hantavirus

There is no vaccination against the virus, even treatment is known. So far can therefore be treated only the symptoms of the Affected, depending on the Severity of the disease, intensive medical care, according to RKI necessary.

Accumulation in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria

Especially from the current outbreak of the southern States of Baden-Württemberg, with 593 cases, and Bavaria, where 240 people are ill affected. Further focal points are in the münsterland region and in the district of Osnabrück.

In Germany, the common Form of the Virus can be transferred from person to person, all Patients must have had, therefore, contact with infected animals.

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