Vegan Sushi – do-it-yourself

Ingredients for 4 servings (makes 2 Sushi rolls à approx. 15 cm)

For the vegan Sushi

  • 130 g of Sushi rice on a sieve, rinse and drain
  • 3 TBSP rice vinegar
  • 1 TSP Yaconsirup
  • Crystal salt

For the filling

  • 100 g shiitake mushrooms – cut into slices
  • 100 g carrot, thin, and, if possible, approx. 15 cm long, wash and cut them into quarters; if it is shorter than 15 cm, sixths
  • 150 g cucumber – wash, to 15 cm in length, cut in half lengthwise, then the knife diagonally and lengthwise, so that you get 4 wedges. The Core with the knife, cut diagonally
  • 1 TSP coconut oil

For the Marinade

  • 2 TABLESPOONS soy sauce
  • 1 TBSP sesame oil
  • ½ TSP of ginger – RUB
  • 1 TBSP water

For the topping

  • 1 bamboo Mat
  • Frichhaltefolie
  • 2 nori sheets (each approx. 15 cm)
  • 500 g of Mango peel
  • ½  Avocado, about 80 g of fruit flesh of the Avocado cut in half just before use


Preparation time about 45 minutes

First, a medium-sized pot, fill with water and bring to a boil. The carrots in there for 2 Min. blanch and drain. The pot for the rice and use it according to the Packet instructions cook until soft.

In the meantime, the ingredients for the Marinade mix in a bowl.  The shiitake mushrooms with the coconut oil in a pan and fry with the Marinade to deglaze. Then the blanched carrots and the cucumbers and mix in the Marinade pan. The pan set aside and allow to cool.

When the rice is ready cooked, the rice vinegar, Yaconsirup and salt and season to taste. Also set aside and leave to cool.

While the rice and the filling is cooling, prepare the Mango; the Avocado just before the Sushi is served – otherwise they will brown.

Of the peeled Mango those half that has the higher flesh proportion, the length after cutting. Then the piece to the width to cut into thin slices.

Once the rice and the filling are cooled, a generous piece of cling film and place it on the bamboo Mat. Then a sheet of Nori and half of the rice evenly.

Tip: So that the rice does not stick to hands, this previously cold wash without drying it.

The nori sheet with the rice and turn it so that the rice on the foil and the sheet of Nori is on top (so the rice is outside later).

Now with a distance of about 2 cm from the bottom edge of the nori sheet crosswise 2 carrots and cucumber sticks and half of the shiitake mushrooms (if possible) on top of each other.

*depending on the Size of the carrot, another swab in half and connect

With the help of the bamboo Mat, carefully roll up. The required pressure is created by the Mat is pressed, while rolling with a lot of feeling to the front and slightly downwards.

Once a roll is formed at the right and left side of the cling film and roll forward, with light pressure on the work surface, so that a uniformly shaped, round roll.

For the second role. Then for 1 hour in the fridge.

Just before the Sushi is served, the Avocado cut it in half. Half of it peel and cut lengthwise in thin slices. Then with a sharp bread knife (without pressure) of the thumb width of the tranches of the role of cut and with the Avocado and mango slices.

The Sushi, along with soy sauce or Wasabi-cream to enjoy.

Nutritional values per Serving

  • Calories: 98 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 14 g
  • Protein: 4 g
  • Fat: 4 g