Three cell-based models shed light on how herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, which can spread to the fetal
How herpes infection may impair human fetal brain development
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Three cell-based models shed light on how herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, which can spread to the fetal
When you go to Coachella, you probably expect to get a few good snaps for your Instagram and some great
Herpes rate soared 20-fold at Coachella: Diagnosis site dealt with 250 cases a day – rather than 12 – in
Scientists looking at the genetics of Zika virus have found a way to fast-track research which could lead to new
What causes Alzheimer’s disease? The answer could be right under our noses, says leading expert Professor Ruth Itzhaki. Her latest
September is observed as Sexual Health Awareness Month. While Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) are very common, many people are not
The kiss of death: 11-day-old baby nearly died after catching herpes from someone with a cold sore The kiss of
A new and promising class of chemical compounds has major potential for treating Zika virus and respiratory syncytial virus, or
A Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) study has found the mechanism by which amyloid beta (A-beta) — the protein deposited into
Does herpes speed up Alzheimer’s? Virus strains that 90 percent of us have are ‘abundant’ in brains of sufferers, new