SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ms. Bockholt, if the ads believes, are silent mineral water, the purest of life elixirs. Of the “unique mineralisation” and “original purity” is out of the question. How does it look in reality?
Bockholt: In reality, practically no one still mineral water to buy. Tap water is usually just as good. Many buyers expect from bottled water, particularly much – it must originate from a subterranean source that is protected from contamination. And you hope also to many minerals. This hope is often used, unfortunately, too high.
Ina Bock from the Stiftung Warentest Holt
SPIEGEL ONLINE: you have 32 still mineral waters studied (here it goes to the Test). What was the outcome?
Bockholt: Not even the half is good. Several were in the micro-biological examination because they were loaded with germs – some more, some less. In the case of two mineral water germination were findings even serious, we have rated “poor”.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: What was that?
Bockholt: rheinberger Prussia source, the Biowasser is sold. Therein we have not only found an increased number of germs, but also a much-feared Hospital pathogen, which can be for immunocompromised people, dangerous.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Just mineral water, as Biowasser declared is, in your Test poorly. What is the reason?
Bockholt: Us has also surprised. Of the six products tested, only the one with “good”, two rated “poor”. Ironically, in the Biokristall-water, the company has initiated, that there is organic mineral water in Germany, we have detected relatively high concentrations of Radium. The layers higher than the guidelines for organic mineral water. Radium occurs naturally in some soils and can move into the water. Incidentally, there is no General reason why the mineral waters with the organic Logo is not so well.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Seven out of 32 sparkling mineral water in your Test have a Problem with germs. How is this explained?
Bock Holt: First of all, one must say that it is in Germany, more than 800 mineral waters there, so can we with our Test, of course, only a spotlight on the Situation. Sure, that still mineral water is especially vulnerable to germs because it contains no carbonic acid. Carbonic acid has a germ-inhibiting effect. Therefore, we find for years in Medium – and Classic Water less germs.
Test article for EUR 2.50 buy (incl. VAT)
SPIEGEL ONLINE: German consumers are particularly fond of French mineral water brands such as Volvic. What is it with them?
Bockholt: In Volvic, we have a rather high content of Vanadium found as possibly carcinogenic to apply. The reason for this is that this mineral water comes from a volcanic Region, and therefore can remove this substance from the soil therein. We recommend Volvic therefore, for safety’s sake, not for the preparation of infant food.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Some of the bottled water brands advertise that they are “without boiling” suitable for babies and refer to themselves explicitly as “baby water”. What’s behind it?
Bockholt: baby water must be the same, particularly strict requirements of the Mineral and table water regulation, such as mineral water, often in the small print – as “suitable for preparation of infant food” means. This means that for certain substances such as uranium and Radium, stricter limit values apply as for normal mineral water. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy a specifically “Baby-water” designated water. In addition, the quality of drinking water in Germany is usually good enough, to baby food to touch. We recommend, however, is the food for babies, only with boiled water to prepare.
“The three best mineral waters are also the cheapest”
SPIEGEL ONLINE: In the case of mineral water is expected, logically, that the minerals are included. How does it look?
Bockholt: A part of the audited mineral water offers more minerals than tap water. In our Test, we found that the levels of calcium, Magnesium, and co. are often low. However, some products Shine by a high calcium content. Which are interesting for people to take little or no milk products with bone-strengthening calcium.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: on What does it depend on whether many or a few minerals in the water are?
Bockholt: From the origin. We have noted in our Tests that waters from the Central mountain regions of material tend to be mineral-rich from the North German plain. There are less layers of soil, from which the water may be the mineral substances.
MIRROR ONLINE: The loads of germs and other substances, of which you speak, sound disturbing. A health risk actually exists?
Bockholt: the findings differ. Individual waters represent, for example, because of the serious bacterial contamination a health risk for Immuno-compromised. A number of products to talk of the high expectation of mineral water. In the case of five mineral waters, for instance, we have found traces of contamination from agriculture and industry, pesticides and corrosion inhibitors. These traces are harmless to health, but to show you that the source is not as well protected as prescribed and how you think as a consumer.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: What are the mineral waters have the Test cut?
Bockholt: The three best are also the cheapest. It Edeka are Good & Cheap, Aldi Nord source Brunn natural and Rewe Yes Still. All three cost only 13 cents per litre. Unfortunately you can get only in the North and the East of Germany and not nationwide. In the South, and nationwide nobility are holzener disposition for 67 cents and Extaler mineral source natural for 46 cents.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Still mineral water and ordinary tap water differ visually and the taste was hardly. Are there quality differences?
Bockholt: compared disappointed the mineral water. Because there you have special requirements. For drinking water, the expectations are not so high. It must be safe and clean, and it is, according to our sample analysis. We have tested drinking water from 20 locations to 126 critical materials. Free of traces of undesirable substances the majority of samples were not, but the levels were in the safe range and the limit values of the drinking water regulation. Everyone can drink this water for a lifetime.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: What is the difference between bottled water and tap water, exactly?
Bockholt: mineral water originates from a protected, underground source. From there, it will promote the fountains companies directly to the top. You may treat it only minimally, for example, to remove iron, and have it fill then almost at the source. The drinking water usually has a verschlungeneren way. It is obtained from groundwater or from rivers, lakes and dams and water works managed. The reason water is often not as deep as the sources of the mineral water and must be protected by a soil layer such as clay. In the water works, the later drinking water is treated with various methods, for example with micro-biological processes filtered and cleaned. At the end of a water must be come out, that’s the equivalent of the drinking water regulation.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: it Is not surprising that the groundwater is not a greater burden is? Pesticides from agriculture, nitrates flowing, but everything is in there. And the treated wastewater from the sewage treatment plants come back again in the water cycle.
Bockholt: The groundwater is, in part, also pretty loaded. There you will find quite environmentally critical substances. But the water works are doing a very good job.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Can I, as a consumer, even thus that the water is less charged will?
Bockholt: they can, for example, to ensure that fewer drugs in the water cycle get. Expired medications should be disposed of in the toilet. You can submit it in the pharmacy or in the remainder of throw garbage, so they can be burned. Also, anyone who supports organic farming, is doing something for drinking water – organic farmers from less fertilizer and pesticides on the fields, which can contaminate the ground water.
Price query time:
25.06.2019, at 17:23
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SPIEGEL ONLINE: Many people use a water bubbler, the water with carbon dioxide to enable. The bubbler you have tested. What came out of it?
Bockholt: First, that it is not necessarily cheaper to gush, as a cheap bottled water from the discount stores to buy. In both cases, calculated on 1.5 liters a day and the highest bubble level, to about 71 euros in the year. This is because the carbon dioxide cylinders are quite expensive. However, it saves the burden of carrying it, and uses no packaging.
Price query time:
25.06.2019, at 17:25
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Product reviews are purely editorial and independent. The so-called Affiliate Links above we will receive when buying in the rule, a Commission from the dealer. More information can be found here.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Which device has the best cut?
Bockholt: winner of the test are Soda-Trend Style for less than 100 Euro and Aarke Carbonator II for more than 150 Euro. The prices differ enormously. A lot of people have the Soda Stream is Easy for 65 euros at home. This device was also rated as good.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Everyone should be a daily one and a half litre of water to drink. The bottom line is: How should I take this amount of water is best to me?
Bockholt: If you save money and protect the environment would like to, drinking water is the best Option. The is impeccable, and we have calculated that you paid in Germany, only an average of 2,11 euros in the year, if you drink every day is 1.5 liters. Of course, nothing speaks against a good mineral water. This is suitable especially for people, your drinking water tastes or like the idea that bottled water comes directly from the earth.