Small quantities suffice: So you’re lowering with ginger harmful cholesterol levels – Video

The positive effect of the sharp tuber on the cholesterol in the blood is already longer known. Iranian scientists have evaluated studies and found that ginger causes the most, when every day is consumed a small amount.

The tuber with the characteristic sharpness applies in Asia as a traditional elixir of Health. But Western researchers have discovered ginger as a tasty cholesterol-lowering drug for the blood vessels so harmful blood fats will be converted by its gingerols increased bile acid and removed. Two grams are enough per day. With this amount, for example two to three cups of ginger tea, you can brew.

Not much helps a lot: Two grams be enough

Ginger not but acts on all fats in the blood and contains a high daily dose achieved a better effect than the recommended amount of two grams. This was found out by Iranian researchers in the analysis of twelve high-quality international studies. After that, ginger reduces triglyceride and LDL values, so the “bad” cholesterol. On the “good” HDL cholesterol, he has no influence.

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The Team also noted to Mohammad Rouhani, a maximum of two grams of ginger reduced most per day the fats in the blood clearly: the triglycerides 38,42 milligrams per deciliter, compared with the average decline of 17,59, and the total cholesterol to 12,26 milligrams per deciliter, compared with 5.13 in the average of the studies.

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