Can’t lose weight? NHS shares eight medical problems that could be making you gain pounds


When patients age, their muscles may lose effectiveness.

This can affect the amount of calories you’re burning everyday – making you gain weight.

To prevent this from happening, it’s advisable to carry out muscle-strengthening exercises on a regular basis.

Steroid treatment

If you have been prescribed with steroids, you may have experienced weight gain as a side-effect.

Dietitian Catherine Collins told the NHS: “The higher the dose and the longer you are on steroids, the more weight you are likely to put on.

“This is because steroids make you feel hungry, affecting the areas in the brain that control feelings of hunger and satiety.”

You should never come off medication without consulting your doctor, so head to your local practice if you have any concerns.

Stress and low mood

During times of stress, people may turn to food for comfort.

While a bit of emotional eating may not seem like a big deal, it can lead to weight gain.

It’s best to replace any binges with other mood lifting techniques.

Click here to read some ways to combat stress.


Getting enough sleep is important for your health and wellbeing.

And in the past, research has linked tiredness to weight gain.

Previously, NHS weight loss consultant spoke to Daily Star Online about sleep.

She said a good eight hours “reduces the tendency to snack on high fat and sugar foods the next day to replace energy”.

Fluid retention

Fluid retention, also known as oedema, can cause the body to swell.

It also leads to weight gain as fluids build up in the body.

Symptoms include swollen ankles, frequent urination and breathlessness.

For more information, visit the NHS website.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS is a condition that affects the functioning of the ovaries.

Weight gain is a common symptom of the syndrome.

Dietitian Catherine Collins told the NHS: “Women with PCOS typically put on weight around their waist.

“The more weight you put on, the more insulin you produce, which can cause further weight gain.

“Weight loss through dietary changes and exercise, and in some cases medication such as orlistat, will help to break the cycle.”

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